Crisp Character in Kirin | World Anvil
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Warrior of Asp (a.k.a. Crisp)

Crisp was a member of the Warriors of Asp, so deluded and feeble minded, he thought he had the power to create life. He was killed by Asp, but would eventually elevate to a demon lord. He was killed again as a demon lord in 728 EH by the Blades of Rizhou.

Physical Description

Body Features

His skin was green and scaly. His arms were tendriled, appearing to be made of many snakes. An attempt on his life during his childhood left him scarred and deformed, with burns covering his body. In 344 EH, Sylvester Jones defeated him in battle, further scarring his body.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Crisp learned of his sorcerous origin at age 6 when his village was attacked by tabaxi raiders. Instead of fighting off the attackers with sword, wild magic surged out from him and burned the village and attackers alike leaving him scarred and deformed.   The Warriors of Asp scout that found him thought the organization could use his power, and recruited him. In 343 EH, he and Kan Usukan, Sylvester Jones, Phil Swift, and Sha Gi attempted their initiate trial, eradicate a clan of kobolds. Sha Gi would fall to the kobolds in the process. Despite the loss, the group succeeded in their mission and were granted full membership.   A year later in 344 EH, word reached Asp that a Yuan-Ti was seen crossing the Asp-Xingyi border toting a young kobold. It was thought that it was Sylvester Jones with the kobold egg he had deserted with a year prior. Crisp and three initiates were sent to capture Jones. Crisp and his initiates set up a roadblock for Jones on a road he thought they would use. Jones had a group with him though, and they proved more formidable than Crisp had anticipated. They killed two of his initiates, and gravely injured Crisp. Crisp vowed to get revenge.


Asp history education, Warriors of Asp magic training.

Mental Trauma

In his younger years he was afraid of martial combat. It is thought that he suffered some ailment of the mind in his later years, because he often entertained delusions of grandeur. One day he thought he could create life, the next he thought that Kan Usukan had stolen the design for the first firearm from a Kobold Tinkerer.

Personality Characteristics


He was motivated by his never ceasing desire for more power.

Likes & Dislikes

Crisp famously adored fallacies and trips to the opera, especially if the work being performed was a tragedy.

Vices & Personality flaws

Crisp became obsessed with fire, and feared engaging in close quarters combat after his trauma at a young age.


Social Aptitude

During his time as a Warrior of Asp, he was exceptionally brutal in fulfilling his missions, often leaving the homes of those who opposed him a scorching pile, along with the bodies of the enemy, their spouse, and their children. He was a notoriously good networker, often going to every social event he was offered, except for trips to the beach oddly enough.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Warriors of Asp Initiate, Warrior of Asp.
Yellow, Slitted
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Yuan-Ti, Abyssal

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