Vofraya Ethnicity in Kingdoms of the Captive Sea | World Anvil


The Vofraya are a hardy people, common to the rural areas of the Zekrukar Empire. They make up half of the population and have some political power through the fact that they are the primary food producers.   Vofrayans also make up a majority of the army personnel and have some military clout.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine Vofraya names tend to sound a lot like common names for rural English girls: Jennifer, Mary, Ann, etc.

Masculine names

Names for Vofraya boys also tend to sound like English common names, but many men take on a secret name after they go through a rite of passage. A man's secret name is usually never shared with any woman but their wife.

Unisex names

There are few unisex names among Vofrayans. they are normally only used when a child's sex is unclear at birth.

Family names

Vofraya prefer family names that reflect what the family does for a living: Farmer, Smith, Cooper, and the like are common.


Beauty Ideals

Vofraya women are expected to be petite, but hardy. Women keep their hair long and braided.    Men are expected to be strong and large. The older they get, they are expected to slowly pick up hands of a permanently stained nature. Men are expected to keep their hair short.

Gender Ideals

Men are expected to take on a job fitting their talents, but that job is expected to support the community. Farmers and smiths are the most common.   Women are mostly expected to stay home and keep the home, however, they are also expected to take an active role in the governance of the community, as Vofrayans believe this is a part and parcel of their domestic duties.

Courtship Ideals

after what would be considered a mostly 'normal' courtship, a man looking to take a woman as his wife is expected to present her with a pot, a ladle, and a skillet. If she accepts these, her mother and she then inspect them for quality. This process usually takes at least a month, though it has been in some cases know to take a year. If they pass, the man and woman will move in together.

Relationship Ideals

Though women are considered the primary caregivers for children, men are expected to take an active role in their education.    Men are expected to remain silent while a woman speaks, to do otherwise is considered an insult to her, and for younger girls, her mother.


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