Types of Magic in Kinfire Chronicles | World Anvil

Types of Magic

Types of Magic

Magical energy can be harnessed in a variety of ways and take a variety of forms. The limits of magic use are truly an unknown and many scholars and academic sorcerers spend their time and effort on expanding our knowledge of and uses of magic. Below are some of the more common forms that magic takes.


The most common sort of magic used in combat is elemental magic. This might include pyromancy, cryomancy, earth magic, and other manipulations of the elements.


Summoning souls and creatures from beyond the veil is a less commonly used type of magic. It requires a great deal of study and practice in order to get right. Some practitioners of summoning magic have met unfortunate ends as they were devoured by the very creatures they summoned.  Summoning requires a summoning circle and a wellspring of magical power, most easily found at loci. The amount of power and control required by summoning spells often requires (or at least encourages) multiple mages to work in unison. Summoning can call upon nature spirits that are connected to natural forces (such as fire) or the spirits of the dead. Creating a revenant requires that a spirit is summoned before it can be bound in a revenant shell.


Illusionists can create and maintain a variety of illusions, including creatures, beings, and even full landscapes that appear to be real but are only in the mind. Illusions can be so convincing as to have real effects on those who witness them, such as tricking a person into believing their feet are tangled in vines. However, illusions can do no real physical harm.


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