Halflings in Kiera in Kiera | World Anvil
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Halflings in Kiera

The Halflings were, oddly enough, the only race to escape enslavement by the Star Elves. Some attribute it to their immense luck, others to their small size. Halflings themselves aren't sure, and most attribute it to some combination of the two. Halflings never gather in large numbers, and so their settlements don't grow much past small camps or hamlets. They realize that other races don't share their sometimes unique views on life, such as their preference for nakedness. Thus they have certain customs that they only practice among their family, namely not wearing clothes. It is perfectly normal for a Halfling family to keep their clothes in little cubbies by the door so that they may get dressed before going outside.  



Because Halflings settlements don't grow very large, they've never needed any greater form of governance than perhaps a town council. Even then, the council tends to be made partly of other races. Halflings tend to be very egalitarian when it comes to their policies. Anyone is welcome regardless of race or gender, and will be treated equally as long as they contribute.


Halflings tend to flock towards Sylthramor, and the freedom he represents. Halfling Clerics and Champions travel throughout Kiera, promoting the ideals of freedom wherever they go.

Physical Description

Halflings are short humanoids, rarely growing larger than 3 feet high. Their feet have tufts of short, thick fur on the tops, and the bottoms have a natural callus from birth. When viewed from any angle a Halfling will appear fuzzy. This is because their skin is slightly translucent, with strange spots only visible at the edges.

Game Stats

Though these are unchanged from the Pathfinder 2e stats, they are presented here for ease of use.
  Hit Points: 6
Size: Small
Speed: 25 Feet
Ability Boosts: Dexterity, Wisdom, One Free Ability Boost
Ability Flaw: Strength
Languages: Common, Halfling, Additional Languages equal to Int mod.
Keen Eyes: Your eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one.
Traits: Halfling, Humanoid


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