Character Creation in Kieniiras | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Character Creation

Character Creation

Note: All rolls must be made with the group and DM, you're not bringing in "Rolls you made at home.", sorry it's only fair.


By default we're using a stat array slightly modified from the PHB, the middle six cells of this table show the normal starting stats. However depending on your preference you may move left or right on the table, left giving you more average stats and right giving you a wider margin between your high and low stats, whichever you choose the totals are the same:

Stats Table.png

If you would prefer to roll your stats you can use one of the following methods:
  • 3d6
  • Point Buy
or on approval by the DM:
  • 1d20 (max 19) (for crazy stats)
  • 6d3 (for much more average stats)
Players also have the option to roll their stats in order (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha) for this you can roll these ways:
  • 4d6 drop the lowest
or on approval by the DM:
  • 1d20+1d2 (yes this means you could start with a 22 but remember how low this method can go)
If you choose to roll in order you gain 1 extra fate point and may pick one of the following bonuses:
  • Gain 1 extra, Skill Proficiency, Tool Proficiency or Language.
  • Gain 1 piece of mundane equipment from the starting shop, for free.
If you roll your stats and the total of all rolls is less than 65 you may re-roll the lower median stat (the lowest stat of the two in the middle of the range, i.e if you roll 4,8,11,13,16 and 16 you can re-roll the 11) you must keep the new result.  

Race and Class

You can pick your race and class, however if you would like to roll randomly for them you gain one of the following benefits:
  • Gain 1 extra, Skill Proficiency, Tool Proficiency or Language.
  • Gain a +1 to any stat.
  • Gain 1 piece of mundane equipment from the starting shop, for free.
If you roll both your race and your class randomly you can instead choose one of these options:
  • Gain 3 extra, Skill Proficiencies, Tool Proficiencies or Languages.
  • Gain a +1 to any three stats.
  • Gain 1 uncommon or lower magical item (that isn't game breaking).
  • Gain 1 feat.


After the alien invasion  the damage was too great to fully survey and thus noone at the time knew that at the Norockfirth Academy, a place of significant interest to the invaders, there was housed an arcane node. This ancient and powerful magical focus point had been brought to the academy  many many years prior to protect it from the looming threat of the illithid, during the invasion however they discovered it and were draining power from it as the heroes destroyed their ship  , the resulting wave of energy passed back through their instruments and shattered the node, ripping the magical weave to shreds all around it. At first nothing changed, but, like pulling threads from a fraying cloth, spellcasters in Alfar continued to use their magic and the weave began to come undone.   Now, many years later, the damage is done, the use of arcane magic all but disappeared from the world and technology took it's place. Clerics and paladins retained their holy gifts and many took this as a sign that the gods thought ill of unholy magic and had cursed the other mages for their hubris. While some casters went to great lengths to keep their powers, this served only to further mark them apart from society and most were hunted down for the crimes they had committed while holding onto their magic. There are stirrings here and there though, talk of mages born again or rediscovering the old ways, perhaps the weave was not entirely destroyed after all.  
Arcane Casters (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Arcane casters were hit the hardest by the damage to the weave and have become all but extinct in the world, this does not mean you cannot play one though.   As an arcane caster you will need to roll a Spellcasting Ability(Arcana) check each time you cast a spell, the DC for this check is equal to 10 + the spell's level (cantrips have a level of 0), on a success your spell is cast normally. If you fail the check your spell fails to cast and you instead deal damage to a random creature within the range of the spell. The damage is of a random type, roll a number of d6 equal to your level, this is the amount of damage you deal.   If you roll a natural 1 on the check, or the total is equal to or less than 1, the damage you deal is doubled. If you roll a total of 20 or higher, your spell is instead enhanced in unpredictable ways, it may jump from one target to another or magnify the damage dealt.  
Natural Casters (Druid, Ranger)
Although natural casters do not use the weave directly, and were thus uninfected by the damage, most people failed to realise the difference, or in some cases used the lack of understanding as an excuse. This lead to them being ousted alongside other casters and most, if they weren't locked up or killed, retreated into the wilder places in the world to escape the persecution.  
Magic Items
Magical items including spellcasting foci are contraband items, the penalty for carrying such items varies, weapons and more dangerous objects can even carry prison time whereas simple trinkets will likely just be confiscated.


You may take a level 1 feat... I would if I were you. If no feat fits the character you would like to make you can instead take a +1 to one stat and a language, tool proficiency, skill proficiency or weapon proficiency.   Note: If you really want to, go ahead and take variant human, it won't break the game.   Roleplay Feats Starting at level 3 and every 4 levels after (3, 7, 11, 15, 19) you may take an extra feat, this feat has to be one that has no effect on combat at all. If you can't find a purely roleplay feat that you want let me know and we'll see if we can make you one.   I hope that it doesn't need stating but if I find out or strongly suspect that anyone is trying to gain extra power in combat with this rule they automatically forfeit their feat at that level. Please don't try to cheat the system, it just ruins the fun for everyone.   Negative Feats You may take as many of these feats as you like, each one gives you a number of points that you can spend on benefits from the second table.
Name Effect Points
Blindness You have permanently lost the ability to see, you have the Blinded condition. 8
Deafness You have permanently lost the ability to hear, you have the Deafened condition. 6
Missing Arm You have lost one of your arms or were born without it, you are unable to perform actions that require the use of the lost arm. If you really want to, you can take this feat more than once. 6
Missing Leg You have lost one of your legs or were born without it, you have a base speed of 5ft while standing unassisted. With crutches you instead travel at half speed. If you really want to, you can take this feat more than once. (If you do you are always considered prone unless assisted, crutches do not help.) 6
Sunlight Sensitivity You have a condition that makes you sensitive to sunlight, this gives you disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. 6
Missing Eye You have lost or lost sight in one eye, you have disadvantage on skill checks that rely on sight. 4
Poor Hearing Your hearing has been damaged, you have disadvantage on skill checks that rely on hearing. 3
Old Wound You have a wound that never quite healed correctly, whenever the injured limb is stressed (landing on an injured leg or a great feat of strength with an injured arm) you must roll a luck check, on a roll of 90 or more the injury is exacerbated and begins to act like a missing limb for 1d4 hours. 2
Muteness You have completely lost the ability to speak. You also cannot perform the verbal components of spells. 2
Sensitive Gut You are particularly susceptible to poisons and bad food, you have a vulnerability to ingested poison and subpar meals give you the Poisoned condition for 4d6 hours. 1
Bonus Point Cost
1 Normal Feat 9
Pack Tactics - You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t Incapacitated. 7
+1 to any stat 4
Proficiency in a skill 3
Expertise in a skill you are already proficient in 3
Affinity for Nature - You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts and plants. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. 2
Powerful Build - You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. 2
Proficiency with 1 simple or martial weapon 1
Proficiency in 1 language 1

Intelligence Points

You gain a number of points equal to your intelligence score minus 10, during character creation you can spend these points to gain any of the following:
  • 1 Language Proficiency. (1 point)
  • Half Proficiency in 1 skill. (1 point)
  • 1 Tool Proficiency. (2 points)
  • Proficiency in 1 Skill. (2 points)
  • Expertise in a skill in which you are already proficient (including proficiency granted by this rule). (2 points)
If your intelligence score increases during the game you gain extra points accordingly and can spend them during a level up.   Note: A character with 6 or less intelligence is unable to read/write in the languages they know, a character with 10 or less intelligence simply gains no benefits from this rule.  

Charisma Points

You gain a number of points equal to your positive charisma score minus 10, during character creation you can spend these points to gain any of the following:
  • A useful contact, work with your DM to make/discover the contact and they will assign a point value. (1-10 points)
    Example contacts could be: A guard who could feed you information, a politician that can effect change in the area, a member of a guild or organisation that could give you a leg up to win their favour or a crafter who gives you "mates rates" when you bring work their way.
  • Proficiency in the Deception, Intimidation, Performance or Persuasion skill. (4 points)
  • Expertise in the Deception, Intimidation, Performance or Persuasion skill if you are already proficient (including proficiency granted by this rule). (5 points)
If your charisma score increases during the game you gain extra points accordingly and can spend them during a level up.   Note: A character with 10 or less charisma simply gains no benefits from this rule.  

Psionics and other innate talents

Once you have created your character, roll a d100, on a roll of 3 or less you gain the Telekinetic feat, on a 4, 5 or 6 you gain the Telepathic feat, on a 7 or 8 you gain Precognition and on a 9 you gain the Psion feat.


Experience based advancement.


Variant encumbrance with coin weight turned on.


You can use any official sourcebooks other than Rick and Morty, Acquisitions Incorporated is also a bit of a no go for me but if you really want something from there talk to me about it.

Homebrew and Unearthed Arcana

I'm usually fine with anything UA but still check with me please. Homebrew is a little tricky because it varies, just send it to me a little bit in advance, I may re-write it for balance or to make it fit into the world we're playing in.

Starting Items

Each character has a certain amount of money based on your class and backstory. You will have an opportunity to buy starting equipment during session 0.
Social Standing
Gold Pieces
If you're not sure what social standing your character would have we'll look at your backstory and work it out together. It's worth noting that different social standing may come with other responsibilities in the world.
Gold Pieces
5d4 x 10
2d4 x 10
5d4 x 10
5d4 x 10
2d4 x 10
5d4 x 10
5d4 x 10
5d4 x 10
4d4 x 10
3d4 x 10
4d4 x 10
4d4 x 10


At some point in character creation you'll need to think about these five sets of questions:
  • How old is your character? When is their birthday?
  • What is your place in the world? Where are you from? Do you have family or friends?
  • What is your character’s moral code? How would they act in some common situations?
  • Is there anything that your character fears? How debilitating is this fear? Could it compromise their morals?
  • Why do you adventure? What do you hope to achieve with your life if anything?
And one other big question, which other player characters do you know? Do you know anyone from another adventuring party? Make sure to check with that character so that you both know.
  • For each other character your character has a relationship with you gain 2d6 gold pieces at character creation.
  • If the connection crosses parties you instead gain 3d6 gold pieces.


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