The Lord of Shadow Myth in Kiaden | World Anvil
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The Lord of Shadow

The Lord of Shadow took as much of the strength of the Forgotten as he could, bravely taking the madness upon himself, so that he could cast away the CREED and save creation. Mad fear drove him to imprison himself in the Well of Souls, opting to contain himself away from those he loved and sacrificing himself for everything beneath the gaze of All-Father.

Titles: The Dark Knight. Lover of Light. Martyr of Reason.

Adjective: Shades

Home: Court of the King, Well of Sorrow

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Portfolio: Vengeance, bravery, daring magic, prophecy

Worshipers: The Foolish Brave, Arcane masters, Diviners, Prophets, those who perform necessary wrongs, Vengeance Seekers

Cleric Alignments: Chaotic Good, Good, Chaotic

Domains: Darkness, Madness, Magic, *Water

Favored Weapon: Longsword

Symbol: Pool of Water around a purple star

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