Strategos Lycidas Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Strategos Lycidas

Strategos Lycidas

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Especially before the arrival of his geneamantically enhanced colleague Kassandra, Lycidas was often called the perfect soldier. He was the strongest and most skilled in his unit, distinguishing himself repeatedly on the front lines and earning a very early promotion into the officer class. From there his tactical acumen and charisma with both his troops and his superiors also proved to be head and shoulders above any of his peers. As he continued his rapid journey up the ladder, he remained the most impressive individual on each rung and it has carried him all the way to the highest office in the Orosian military. Lycidas often finds himself the tiebreaker when the strategoi are called upon to contribute to political matters, striking a balance between the older Heirolykos and his devotion to the process and the council as a whole and the younger Kassandra's populism and belief in individual mavericks like Eurymachos. Should the time come for Oros to go to war, as seems more likely every day, Lycidas is the most popular conventional choice for Dictator given his balance of neutrality on contentious issues, military record, and acceptable age. Most believe the that two rapidly approaching moments will determine the fate of the republic, the first when Eurymachos either appoints Lycidas or, as his detractors accuse and his supporters laud, himself to the position of dictator, and the second when Lycidas reacts to the choice. Apart from his political influence and military power, very little is known about the man. Recently a rumor has been circulating that he was seen leaving the House Ambrosial which has caught significant steam despite the fact that such a thing is not in any way worthy of note for nearly anyone else in the city simply because it's the first and only piece of his personal life to become public. It is an irony he shares with the Archon, leading some to speculate some hidden connection that will be revealed when the time to choose a Dictator arrives.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
28th of Elû, 143 Knight
Short salt & pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, many scars
210 lbs
Coloss (Shaperate)
Aligned Organization


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