Sonny Poole Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Sonny Poole

Yeoman Sonny Poole

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It's common knowledge that all organized crime in the city of Godseye reports directly to the Duke. Any competing organizations simply can't maintain a profit with the Duke subsidizing his own to undercut them, supporting his control over the city's underworld and ability to keep out the worst excesses. Of course, just because knowledge is common, doesn't mean it's correct. Sonny Poole is living proof that there are other clandestine criminal organizations afoot in the city, though there are vanishingly few who know it. Sonny grew up an independent small time smuggler raised by parents who were the same and helping to raise younger siblings into the tradition. As the new duke took over more and more of the underworld, Sonny and his family avoided assimilation mostly through irrelevance, but also because the Poole family were always the most discrete of their ilk, never overreaching into larger or hotter cargo than they could handle, never taking a risk, and never, ever getting complacent. As all their competition died out or took the duke's silver the Pooles, by then led by Sonny himself, became the only option for smuggling something into or out of the city without a report about it crossing the desk of the duke's spymaster. This allowed Sonny to expand the family business enormously, but he's always kept to the same principles as when they were small. They almost never carry cargo the duke's own people wouldn't or in large enough quantities that it can't blend in, nearly the entire value of Sonny's services is that the duke won't learn of it.  And that value has allowed Sonny to become one of the city's wealthiest residents, though he's very careful not to show it. Apart from his direct reports, all family members, there isn't a soul in the city of Godseye who knows the identity of the city's last free crime kingpin.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
6th of Kyzlû, 147 Knight
Light brown, eternally tired
Short, brown, unruly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly pale, worry lines
145 lbs
New Canon Orionism


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