Hermine the Songstress Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Hermine the Songstress

Hermine (a.k.a. the Songstress)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hermine was born to a human mother and of an elvish father. Her mother was a gifted opera singer, which likely attracted the attention of her father in the first place, and allowed her to provide a comfortable life for her daughter even without a husband in any way connected something resembling an economy. She spent the first sixteen years of her life living in the outskirts of Septimania with her mother, only seeing her father in lucid dreams. After her mother died, she had one last dream teaching her the way to her father's wode, where she would spend the next forty years of her life, pursuing her mother's craft in the style of her father's people. When she eventually left, it was in the name of love. Zeus, another Demi-elf and a keeper of ancient Sun Elf arcanism, came to the wode seeking lore and found instead a deeply infatuated girl. She sought to become his student in Bladesong in order to get closer to him, but he did not wish to give her hope where there was none, and so set her an impossible task: to journey to the seat of the Brass Dwarves and retrieve for him a blade worthy of his skill. There had been no trade between dwarves and elves for millennia, but he underestimated Hermine's determination and charm. She spent fourteen years among the dwarves, learning their ways and their music until she had sufficiently ingratiated herself to commission a sword of the caliber she sought. When she caught up to her beloved again, she found that he had already sworn to take on a pupil in the city of Libria as soon as the babe came of age which sparked a bitter rivalry, but Zeus was as good as his word, and took Hermine under his wing as well, even though he knew he would break her heart.   Hermine left for a time after being shown the hopelessness of her situation, but she eventually returned hoping to crush her rival, surpass her master, win the hearts of every man in the city, and break all but the one she found most worthwhile. Her plans were never to be, however: only a few years later she once again found herself swept off of her feet by a charismatic older man possessing incredible arcane might. The second of her desires did not share his predecessor's reservations, and the Songstress found immediate, if qualified, reciprocity. The man's name was Archelaos, and Hermine soon found herself first his advocate, then his operative, then among his inner circle, and finally one of his legal consorts. Rumors abound about her actions during the rise of the Unifier. Certainly she wielded all of her celebrity to advocate for him prior, being well-known and well-loved across the city. It has also been noticed that on the decisive day a great many of those who supported the new King seemed to always be in the right place at the right time even while those against him acted on bad or mistimed information or even wound up dead, especially in areas Hermine would frequent.


Hermine has attended classes at many of the great institutions of learning on a lark, but her personal training at the feet of individual masters means that there is little for her to actually learn there.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the few alive to study the music of the True Elves and that of the True Dwarves   Enchanted her own Moonblade scimitars

Failures & Embarrassments

Decades very publicly dedicated to the pursuit of a man who would eventually spurn her
Current Status
Hunting her former master
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of Colû, 97 Knight
Brown, almond shaped
Long, brown, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
180 lbs
Elven Queens
Aligned Organization


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