Headmistress Callianeira Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Headmistress Callianeira

Headmistress Callianeira

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There is a common story about the Headmistress of the University of Oros which has never been definitively sourced, and so may in fact be apocryphal, but it is generally accepted as functionally true: Callianeira strode onto the campus of the University of Oros at age twelve and never once stepped out of it again. Certainly no one in contemporary Oros can claim to have seen her elsewhere. The woman appears to fill her every waking hour with as much of the University's business as she can fit, and spend as many of her hours waking as she can accomplish with the best magic and alchemy that she can buy. The University of Oros is an influential force in Orosian politics, which was only confirmed by her very atypical refusal to go to the various parties and gatherings to hob-knob, when all those powerful people could clearly be seen making appointments to come to her. After her accelerated but extensive career as a student, Callianeira spent over a decade as a professor at the College of Crowns. It can be argued that it was her time teaching the future leaders of the world that allowed her to garner the influence necessary to not only become headmistress, but one who bucked centuries of political tradition and see her relevance increase. There are rumors, however, of a different source for her influence: it is known that not all those who attend the College of Crowns intend to be rulers or traditional diplomats, some learn to become spies. There are additional rumors that some of those spies stay on after graduation and help keep the university's political position secure. There is one final rumor that one of those spies has become the Headmistress.
True Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Rhulû, 140 Knight
Light blue
Long, dark brown, slight wave
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slight tan
115 lbs
Nemesis (Shaperate)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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