Great Demon War Physical / Metaphysical Law in Khthon | World Anvil
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Great Demon War


A Great Demon War begins when a tear is worn through the ethereal between Khthon and the abyss, and its manifestation is heavily affected by which layer of of that horrific realm is on the other side of the tear. Though tear is the term used by priests and the sages prefer aperture, many who see it for the first time call it by another name: a wound. This is a more descriptive term, the manifestation looks like nothing so much as a horrific gash in the flesh of reality itself, including seeping fluids and spreading infection and corruption from its edges. By any name, even the most unstable aperture can take months to close on its own, spewing all manner of demons for its entire duration. The true danger arises from the fact that the presence of these demons destabilizes Khthon and strengthens the link to the Abyss, and thinking demons lend active aid to the process. For those reasons there is no known instance of a Great Demon War ending on its own despite the inherent attempts of reality to cut off the source.


The smallest aperture on record was roughly the size of a peasant's shack, and only expanded temporarily when a particularly powerful demon forced its way through. The largest engulfed an entire city and grew over the course of the war to cover an area it would have taken a full day to march across. The effects of even a small aperture are of course felt across Khthon as demons run rampant, spreading as much they can with even the least intelligent having an instinctual sense of its ability to destabilize the world with its presence and seeking to tear open additional rifts and allow more of its kind onto Khthon.
Metaphysical, Demonic


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