Glaukias the Traveler Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Glaukias the Traveler

Captain Glaukias (a.k.a. The Traveller)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oros is one of the largest and the single most cosmopolitan city in all of Khthon, and Glaukias the Traveler, captain of the Horizon, is almost certainly the most famous and well-loved of all of its people. There is a great deal of amusement and anger depending on the observer found in the fact that he holds this position as a man who spends almost none of his time there, always off chasing his ship's namesake in pursuit of ever more discoveries. The Explorer's Guild has no leader on its books, no job title for a leader to hold, but looking at the respect and deference its members how him, it can be east to mistake Glaukias for that leader. For over twenty years, his every return to port has brought groundbreaking discoveries of new landmasses, creatures, cultures, and everything else that could be named. Both as the provider of these marvels (and the host of the accompanying parties) and as an aspirational figure, his popularity is rivalled, in all the world, only by saviors and heroes like the current Imperator who ended a hundred years of civil war and leads a great resurgence of his nation and culture. And his general popularity pales in comparison to absolute devotion seen expressed by his crew. The men and women who crew his ship worship him, sometimes more fervently than they do their gods. This charisma has always been one of Glaukias' hallmarks. His very earliest days are unknown, but even as a young boy "working" on ships well before he had much of meaning to contribute he was universally popular. His every step up the nautical ladder has come earlier than is usual, and been accompanied by mistakes due to inexperience but his charisma and the support of others it buys him has always carried him until it no longer needed to allowing him to become one of the most skilled and respected captains on Khthon.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Ophlû, 131 Knight
Dark brown
Brown, mid-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Significantly tanned, often sunburned
165 lbs
Drani (Shaperate)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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