Captain Runa the Valkyrie Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Captain Runa the Valkyrie

Captain Runa (a.k.a. Valkyrie)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Runa of the Sjómaður was one of the youngest Varangi in history awoken to their own Doom. Her clan are among the most northerly still recognized as part of Varang, and as a result they are quire steeped in the culture of the Tungst and the unique interplay that is found otherwise only in the tribes between the two, claimed by neither. From these they take the skarification ritual that turned the girl into an Örnskar at age six, the pain of which caused her to become aware of her Doom. Unique to their own clan, they create an Örnskar only once every twenty years, and every living member of the clan is a potential convert, with the choosing done by lot. Young Runa learned well the spiritual and physical aspects of her new skin and wings, having a greater affinity with the great sea eagles that frequent her home island than any Örnskar before her. She did not, however, learn well the traditions of her clan and at only fifteen she abandoned them. She spent most of the intervening years attempting to flee the doom she glimpsed as a child, adventuring across the world. Eventually she found herself among other far-flung Varangi as bodyguard to Imperator Valerian himself. It was there that she would finally come to appreciate the culture she had left behind and accept her doom. Receiving dispensation to leave directly from the Imperator, she traveled to the land of oracles to clarify her fate. She puts all of her experience as an adventurer and imperial guard to work as one of Kasmenetros' newest captains seeking her fortune in the hopes of hiring the great Oracle Xanthe. Though her wings are an obvious source of her epithet, in truth she came by it due to her habit of recruiting for her company from among the survivors of her foes.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of Ophlû, 153 Knight
Long, brown, mostly hair but with some feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs
Varangi/Tungstan Pantheism
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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