Antiope of Eretrinda Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Antiope of Eretrinda

Deacon Antiope

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Antiope of Eretrinda is a deacon in the Temple of Kyzu, directly seconded to one the city-state's triumvirs, gifted with incredible divine power, and an excellent baker. Within her home city, however, it is none of these things that win her nearly universal admiration and respect, instead it is her membership in a very small and involuntary club: she earned her epithet by being actually born and raised in the Arboreal Citadel. Life is dangerous and survival is hard in the depths of the Dark Arbor leading to very few children being born there, and unfortunately even fewer reaching adulthood. An entire lifetime spent there is a genuine accomplishment in addition to the prestige it lends by its rarity and association with nationalism. Her most recent endeavors are outside Eretrinda, and so she mostly trades in her title, authority, and divine power for influence these days. She was dispatched by Archdeacon Harpalos, the head of her religion in Hellenis, to seek recruits for both their temple's clergy and their city's military. Eretrinda always needs more soldiers to fight the monsters native to their forest, it is after all their sworn duty and city-wide purpose to thin the horde and draw their ire for the rest of Hellenis, but it may in fact be clerics of Kyzu that the city needs more direly. Their gifts of generation and control of fire are second to none, and are absolutely essential in preventing the semi-sentient wilderness from reclaiming the city with inhabitants still inside. For quite some time Antiope travelled Hellenis, both wandering between city-states seeking new areas and people to recruit and chasing specific rumors or leads, but she has since discovered that the sheer volume of people passing through large cities like Oros and Deletra make a permanent base in one of those far more efficient for her purpose, and with Oros being both larger and closer she has chosen it as her base of operations for nearly a full decade now, despite the animosity between her own religion and the Coloss worshippers who make up the plurality of the city's natives.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Recruiting soldiers for Eretrinda and clergy for Kyzu
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of Kyzlû, 143 Knight
Pale Blue-Green
Long, blonde, slight wave
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Well tanned
90 lbs
Kyzu (Shaperate)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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