Anticleia the Shipwright Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Anticleia the Shipwright

Anticleia (a.k.a. The Shipwright)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There are many shipwrights in the city of Oros, and even more in the entirety of the Republic, but none would dare claim the proper noun as their title while Anticleia the Shipwright lives. Anticleia comes from a long line of shipwrights, many of whom have used their job title as a personal title and of them all, only one is thought to not have earned the privilege. He was murdered by the rest of the family for being such a disgrace: he died after being nailed alive to the prow of one of his own ships as a figurehead and then the ship was sunk. The family takes its reputation and the quality of its work very seriously, which is dangerous for those who fail without self-awareness, but also allows for the meteoric rise of incredible talents, as was the case with Anticleia. She first claimed the name at the age of fourteen when her ships made such an impression on the council that they filled their entire slate of open commissions with her designs without being aware of it. She hasn't quite maintained that level of monopoly, but she is utterly prolific. While her family had always been wealthy and something of a fixture in the city, she has single-handedly raised them from the upper middle class to the absolute heights of wealth and influence in the city, quite possibly becoming the single most wealthy individual in the city herself. Though she does the amount of work you would expect from such an enormous success, it tends to take the form of bouts of frenetic design, locked in her drafting rooms for weeks working twenty hours a day followed by periods of almost complete detachment, during which she enjoys socializing with groups varying from her fellow one-percenters to the lowest bilge rats who crew the ships she so loves.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
29th of Colû, 160 Knight
Light blue
Long, wavy, strawberry blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, often lightly sunburned
100 lbs
Drani (Shaperate)
Aligned Organization


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