Amphitrion of Karpóní̱sos Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Amphitrion of Karpóní̱sos


Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Karpóní̱sos in its colloquial sense referring to the portion of the island outside the walls rather than its entirety is often considered the most normal, even boring or uninteresting of Oros' territories. It is nearly entirely farmland, notable perhaps in a slightly higher fertility than average, but not particularly in any other way. Some of the largest landowners and wealthiest farmers are welcomed by their city dwelling neighbors in the upper class, and some of the poorest farmhands can get along with the lowest of the street urchins but for the overwhelming majority, there is a nearly unbridgeable gap between them, at least until the native of some other city state comes along. Amphitrion is either the first sign of a sea change or the enormous glaring exception that proves the rule. He was born and raised as an utterly normal farmer on a totally average single family farm on Karpóní̱sos, but has become one of the single most popular people in the city of Oros without particularly changing his social standing or wealth. Likely due to an attractive appearance and a pleasing, far-carrying voice he was made a herald for his local council and for likely the same reasons, he was radically popular and eventually transferred to become a herald for the Council of Oros itself. It is a role he has filled and excelled in for years now, becoming the primary herald of the Council, universally seeing higher attendance than any of the others and therefore the Council's first and only choice for their most important announcements and proclamations. It's clear to nearly everyone involved that the man is supremely overqualified and is being wasted in his current position, his immense popularity could likely carry him into an actual seat on the Council he works for, but he's rebuffed every suggestion to run and every offer of a promotion. In fact, he has refused to even move into the city where he works every day, returning to the family farm on Karpóní̱sos every night after his work is done. He loves interacting with the people of the city even as they love him. Through his extensive positive interactions with damn near the entire city, there are very few contacts he doesn't have and is generally acknowledged as the best starting place for newcomers to the city looking for information and opportunity.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Torrlû, 149 Knight
Pale blue
Short blonde curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light golden
165 lbs
Coloss (Shaperate)
Aligned Organization


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