Abu Salal Settlement in Khthon | World Anvil
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Abu Salal


To outsiders, Abu Salal seems to be among the most homogenous cities on Khthon, as the differences between its many clans are often opaque to them. This notion is utterly ridiculous to the primarily Hassadian inhabitants, for whom each clan is wildly different from every other, often in contentious ways. There are likely at least as many foreigners in Abu Salal as large cities in any other part of the world, but its absolutely gargantuan native population makes them disappear like a drop of water in the sea.


The word of the Sultana is law across the Hassadian League and while this is no less true in its capital, the Seat of all Clans comes by its name honestly. The presence of the leaders of every single Hassadian clan means there are so many competing authorities that merely untangling the knot would occupy all of the ruler's time, and so a much lighter touch is used, deferring to the clan heads and relying on the caliphate to handle conflict.


The Hassadian clans are finally freed from their exile and persecution at the hands of the Empire at Issithoss and are able to establish a home for themselves, though whether it is a new one or a reclamation of the old remains a hotly contested point to this day. Those most convinced that their original home was elsewhere split off from the other clans and form the Altayih. The others found their first permanent settlement in well over a thousand years.
Founding Date
21 Reclaim
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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