Sovereign Schola Organization in Khalar | World Anvil
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Sovereign Schola

The Sovereign Schola is the only independent magical organization in Khalar, and serves as the main magical certification and instructional institution for human lands.   Originally intended only for the instruction of magic, it has recently expanded into alchemy partially as a method of gaining greater financial stability and partially due to the Mirrorslate frenzy.


At the Schola all instructors are referred to as "Magos," and regardless of years served rule as a council of equals- voting on issues that impact the Schola. One member, usually the oldest serving member is given the title of Archmagos and treated as first among equals.   Below them stand the "mundane" staff, each of which has a voice in the council, but technically no voting power. The Librarians organization- handling both the paperwork and the actual records and archives- have a great deal of unofficial clout, as they can effectively bring the school to a halt with a few scraps of parchment. The Warders are a guard organization with a more military structure, and are often members with low-grade magical power. They protect the Schola from internal and external threats, ranging from attacks on students to the students misuse of power. They are one of the only magical organizations in the world that has military and magical training combined. The third organization in the Schola is the Mundane Staff. Handling everything from mundane healing to making sure meals are cooked. Though often overlooked, these simple positions keep the Schola running and can have a surprising amount of influence.

Public Agenda

To educate, license and help enforce said licensing as a way of protecting those with magical talent.


  • Warders - Military arm of the Schola, trained in both magic and combat.
    • Warders' Armory - A decent sized armory consisting of armor in both plate and mail, as well distinctive glaive weapons and swords.
  • Schola Library - One of the largest repositories of knowledge in the world, on all topics from magical use and theory to alchemy to mundane discoveries.
  • Sizeable, if concealed, reserves of precious metals and stones hidden in the Schola vaults.
  • Alchemical workshops capable of producing both Mirrorslates and Memory Gems, as well as other items.


The Schola was formed by a cadre of ancient mages who claim to be refugees from the War of Creation, though it has been destroyed and rebuilt enough times that this claim is all but impossible to verify.   At the Accord of the Shattered City where the laws governing the use of magic were set on parchment, the Schola gained worldwide recognition when they offered to help mediate the debate and provide expert advice to the delegates on magical matters. In addition, they gained considerable power by discreetly exempting themselves from the laws stating that no nation may field magical offensive power by exploiting a loophole and making sure they were listed as not being in nor belonging to any nation.

We stand together

Education, Magic
Alternative Names
The Schola

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