Kereska Character in Kesia | World Anvil
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Kereksa, Goddess of Magic

Kereska is one of the more illusive gods as she spends a frequent amount of time amongst mortals. She learns all magic she can and has access to magic that no mortal does as there are rumors she even has control over time. As a result, her followers have a habit of butting heads with the Followers of Time but she cares little for petty squabbles. Members of magical groups tied to dragons will no doubt worship her and their beliefs have a habit of putting them at odds with the Order of Magi. At the end of the day, Kereska is here to make magic knowable to her and by extension, knowable to all.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Book of Dragons
  • The Book of Magic

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A five-pointed star with the lower two points extended

Tenets of Faith

  • Magic is the key to opening a greater world
  • Never allow Magic's creativity to be stunted
  • Magic is the ultimate equalizer

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Teach magic to all mortals
  • Allow all magic to be learned

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She will assume any dragon form she wants, making her a mysterious one as no one has her true form. She always gives off a magical aura, however.
Divine Classification
Lesser Goddess
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence


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