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Durgrim Ironbeard V

King Durgrim Ironbeard V

The 31st King of Clan Ironbeard and The Fortress City of Ironhome              

The Bloodline of King Durgrim Ironbeard V of The Fortress City of IRONHOME

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Prince Durgrim Ironbeard,Later becoming King Durgrim Ironbeard V.
Date of Birth
The 14th Day of Forge/Arn
Year of Birth
15287 KR 3567 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Firstborn Son & Heir of King Durgrim Ironbeard IV
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Dwarvish
  • Gondonian
  • Kelldorian

The Family Tree of King Durgrim Ironbeard V of Clan Ironbeard


Cover image: Dwarven Noble Houses by jjjjjjj
Character Portrait image: Dwarven Male by roleplayerguild


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