King of Stormwind Rank/Title in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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King of Stormwind


The King or Queen is appointed to the throne via a special ceremony; known as a coronation. The coronations have a varying format for its celebration commonly there are a precession and gift-giving but the core is the ceremony at The Lightning Rock where the Arch-Lector anoints the King with holy oils and prays for their rule and then places their crown upon their head. The King is also presented formally Strom'kar usually by the Chancellor a symbol of their right to rule.


The Kings Duty is to rule over the men and women of Stormwind. They are obligated to expand the kingdoms land and bring in more and more humans to protect them from the savage wild lands beyond the boarders of the kingdom. The King is a warrior, governer and diplomat at the head of the state.


The title was created by Darnath Anderhiem; the unifier. When his conquest of the Forest Lands was complete Darnath stated his title as king to formally announce his kingdom as Stormwind, named after its capital city.

Cultural Significance

The King of Stormwind is the defacto ruler of the Kingdom and all diplomatic relations see him and talk with him, in later years the king has appointed Nobles to act as an ambassador in the king's name.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
His/Her Royal Highness
Alternative Naming
Queen (female)
Source of Authority
People & The Hepostrist church


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