
...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... waw̃q ye faw̃ zâv shĩǧ qâq waw̃q tavmuq o faw̃ tãbe sog yũnmez Pronunciation: /wɔ̃q je fɔ̃ zəv ʃĩɢ qəq wɔ̃q ˈtavmuq o fɔ̃ ˈtãbe sog ˈjũnmez/ Quessite word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b d f g j k m n p q s t v w z ŋ ɢ ʃ ʒ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d k g q ɢ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ
Approximant j
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labio-velar
Approximant w
Vowel inventory: /a ã e i ĩ o u ũ ɔ ɔ̃ ə ɛ ɛ̃/
Front Central Back
High i ĩ u ũ
High-mid e o
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɛ̃ ɔ̃ ɔ
Low ã a
Syllable structure: (C)V(C) Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable Word initial consonants: b, d, f, j, k, m, q, s, t, v, w, z, ŋ, ʃ, ʒ Mid-word consonants: b, bd, bm, bs, bw, bz, bʃ, d, dg, dm, dw, dʃ, dʒ, f, fd, ff, fg, fj, fp, ft, fʃ, g, gb, gf, gk, gm, gt, gw, gʃ, gʒ, j, jb, jd, jf, jn, jʃ, jʒ, k, kb, kf, kk, ks, kt, kz, m, md, mf, mg, mj, mk, ms, mt, mv, mz, mʃ, n, nd, nj, nm, nn, ns, nw, nz, nʒ, p, pf, pj, pk, pp, pw, pz, pʃ, q, qd, qq, qt, s, sb, sd, sg, sj, sk, sm, ss, st, sv, sw, t, tf, tg, tj, tn, tp, tt, tw, tz, tʃ, v, vd, vm, vn, vw, w, wb, wd, wk, wm, wp, wq, ws, wt, wz, wʃ, z, zd, zg, zj, zk, zn, zt, zv, zz, ŋ, ŋb, ŋd, ŋg, ŋk, ŋp, ŋs, ŋt, ɢ, ʃ, ʃb, ʃp, ʃs, ʃt, ʒ, ʒb Word final consonants: b, d, f, g, k, m, p, q, t, v, w, z, ɢ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • e → i / _(C)i
  • L → d / #_
  • dj → z / V_V
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
j y
ŋ ng
ɔ aw
ə â
ɛ ê
ɢ ǧ
ʃ sh
ʒ zh


  Main word order: Subject-Oblique-Object-Verb. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary with a key the door opened. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun. Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have three cases:
  • Ergative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
Ergative Suffix -i tawshtâfi /ˈtɔʃtəfi/ dog (doing the verb to something)
Absolutive No affix tawshtâf /ˈtɔʃtəf/ dog (doing the verb not to something)
Genitive If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋe Else: Suffix -iŋe tawshtâfinge /ˈtɔʃtəˌfiŋe/ dogʼs
Singular No affix tawshtâf /ˈtɔʃtəf/ dog
Plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -v Else: Suffix -iv tawshtâfiv /ˈtɔʃtəfiv/ dogs


Definite Indefinite
Singular /jĩ/ the fễ /fɛ̃/ a
Plural kaw̃b /kɔ̃b/ the sho /ʃo/ some


Ergative Absolutive Genitive
1st singular /bĩ/ I yo /jo/ me, I ik /ik/ mine
2nd singular me /me/ you bu /bu/ you te /te/ yours
3rd singular masc ye /je/ he e /e/ him, he aw /aw/ his
3rd singular fem bug /bug/ she sêz /sɛz/ her, she â /ə/ hers
1st plural inclusive vễ /vɛ̃/ we (including you) yũd /jũd/ us, we (including you) wi /wi/ ours (including you)
1st plural exclusive kawp /kɔp/ we (excluding you) fãq /fãq/ us, we (excluding you) /sĩ/ ours (excluding you)
2nd plural sum /sum/ you (all) we /we/ you (all) kễ /kɛ̃/ yours
3rd plural ũq /ũq/ they sok /sok/ them, they taw̃ /tɔ̃/ theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singular zãp /zãp/ my
2nd singular /sĩ/ your
3rd singular masc faw̃ /fɔ̃/ his
3rd singular fem zũǧ /zũɢ/ her
1st plural inclusive zho /ʒo/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusive yif /jif/ our (excluding you)
2nd plural ngo /ŋo/ your
3rd plural va /va/ their


Present Past Remote past Future
1st singular No affix ukka /ˈukka/ (I) study If ends with vowel: Suffix -kũ Else: Suffix -ɛkũ ukkakũ /ˈukkakũ/ (I) studied If ends with vowel: Suffix -fjə Else: Suffix -ĩfjə ukkafyâ /ˈukkafjə/ (I) studied (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -tzi Else: Suffix -itzi ukkatzi /ˈukkatzi/ (I) will study
2nd singular No affix ukka /ˈukka/ (you) study Suffix -ɛq ukkaêq /ˈukkaɛq/ (you) studied Suffix -i ukkai /ˈukkai/ (you) studied (long ago) Suffix -ĩw ukkaĩw /ˈukkaĩw/ (you) will study
3rd singular masc If ends with vowel: Suffix -pwĩ Else: Suffix -ĩpwĩ ukkapwĩ /ˈukkapwĩ/ (he) studies Suffix -e ukkae /ˈukkae/ (he) studied Suffix -ã ukkaã /ˈukkaã/ (he) studied (long ago) Suffix -ɔ̃ ukkaaw̃ /ˈukkaɔ̃/ (he) will study
3rd singular fem If ends with vowel: Suffix -mʃɛ̃ Else: Suffix -umʃɛ̃ ukkamshễ /ˈukkamʃɛ̃/ (she) studies If ends with vowel: Suffix -qta Else: Suffix -eqta ukkaqta /ˈukkaqta/ (she) studied Suffix -ãk ukkaãk /ˈukkaãk/ (she) studied (long ago) Suffix -im ukkaim /ˈukkaim/ (she) will study
1st plural inclusive No affix ukka /ˈukka/ (we) study (including you) If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɢ Else: Suffix -ɛ̃ɢ ukkaǧ /ˈukkaɢ/ (we) studied (including you) If ends with vowel: Suffix -bze Else: Suffix -ĩbze ukkabze /ˈukkabze/ (we) studied (including you) (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -nwe Else: Suffix -ĩnwe ukkanwe /ˈukkanwe/ (we) will study (including you)
1st plural exclusive No affix ukka /ˈukka/ (we) study (excluding you) Suffix -ed ukkaed /ˈukkaed/ (we) studied (excluding you) Suffix -ĩm ukkaĩm /ˈukkaĩm/ (we) studied (excluding you) (long ago) Suffix -ãv ukkaãv /ˈukkaãv/ (we) will study (excluding you)
2nd plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -f Else: Suffix -əf ukkaf /ˈukkaf/ (you all) study If ends with vowel: Suffix -tto Else: Suffix -ĩtto ukkatto /ˈukkatto/ (you all) studied If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -ek ukkak /ˈukkak/ (you all) studied (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ut ukkat /ˈukkat/ (you all) will study
3rd plural If ends with vowel: Suffix -f Else: Suffix -ɛf ukkaf /ˈukkaf/ (they) study If ends with vowel: Suffix -dwɛ Else: Suffix -ɔdwɛ ukkadwê /ˈukkadwɛ/ (they) studied If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ĩt ukkat /ˈukkat/ (they) studied (long ago) If ends with vowel: Suffix -tfe Else: Suffix -ɛtfe ukkatfe /ˈukkatfe/ (they) will study


  Quessite has a base-10 number system:   1 - med 2 - dũg 3 - mawz 4 - yiq 5 - sũ 6 - qã 7 - yum 8 - iê 9 - taw̃q 10 - doq 11 - doq waw̃q med “ten and one” 100 - med qũb “one hundred” 101 - med qũb med “one hundred one” 200 - dũg qũb 1000 - med fat “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -pko Else: Suffix -əpko Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -ok Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -op Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -fpə Else: Suffix -ĩfpə Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ũt Noun → verb (to create [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -ɔk Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -ek Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb]) = Suffix -o Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -eɢ Verb → noun that verb physically produces (e.g. build → building) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ut One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -ũp Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -q Else: Suffix -ɛq Diminutive = Suffix -ũ Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -q Else: Suffix -oq


4344 Words.


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