Glimmerbrook in Kauvet | World Anvil
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Glimmerbrook is an underwater-mining city ran by nobles of The Presch Family. They've been running the city for centuries, even prior to the reign of the current ruling family of Lavandins.  


Centuries prior to the reign of Everly Lavandin, prior even to the arrival of the Presch family, Glimmerbrook was settled by two families of miners. The gnomish Glimmers, led by 'Big Mama' River Rapid Glimmer, settled on the left side of the Olanot River while the dwarvish Brooks, led by Stonebeard Brook, settled on the right side.   Merchants trading with the two mining families dubbed the area 'Glimmerbrook' to make it easier to notate on maps.  

Under the Underground

In more recent history, descendants of the original founders of Glimmerbrook have formed a subversionist group called Hope Glimmers. The secret organization is determined to take back the wealth and resources of their ancestral home from under the control of the Presch family.


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