
pronounced; kak-orn-i-o

Dirty sackcloth drapes over heavy hunched shoulders as this eight-foot man strides on thick legs across their campsite. Smaller kakornio of the clan quickly remove themselves from his path, receiving a brutal kick if they don't move fast enough. Reaching a raw, raisin-coloured hand into his cloak, the lumbering kakornio drops himself onto a rough log beside the crackling fire and withdraws a mouldering animal limb. In a deft movement, the rotting rabbit's leg is tossed upward and his vulture-like head snatches it from the air, extending and retracting in such a savage and jarring motion that his entire bulky body lurches.

Anatomy & Physiology
Kakornio are large, bulky humanoids with hunched shoulders and long, flexible necks similar to a vulture. Their bones are much more dense than the average human and lend strength to their heavy frames. Despite their avian appearance, kakornio are mammals and reproduce like most sapient species. Their pregnancies usually produce 3-4 offspring, with a combination of traits from both parents.
Having a purely avian skull shape, the only major difference between that of a kakornio and the common vulture is the fact that their eyes are located much closer to the center of their skull which allows for improved depth perception and spacial awareness and also indicates their nature as a predator, rather than prey.
Their faces are dominated by heavy, curved beaks that are ideal for seperating meat from bone. Since their heads are mainly dominated by an immovable feature, most humans find it difficult to read facial expressions from kakornio and it's rare that non-kakornio have the opportunity to learn their more sublte expressions before being eaten and killed; usually in that order.
30-50 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution


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