Seteth Character in Kaomora | World Anvil


He / Him
Undead Elf

Brief History
Seteth is an Elven male and part of the clergy in Corellon, the Arch Heart's court in Serpent Spire. He sensed the potential darkness in Velouria and was always wary and did not want to take her in. Since then, he always treated her with disdain. He is also the father of Flayn or so Velouria thought. He appears now as an entangled part of the undead web that surrounds Kahrazoon.

Personality in brief description
He is not a man of many words, he prefers to see people prove their worth before opening up to them.

Their appearance
In his true form, he is still elven but his skin is withered and grey, his long flowing golden hair falls to an ashy white and his gleaming armour turns to jagged steel. He rides Nyctaeus and has a mantle with a green sigil to Kahrazoon.

What they sound like

What they smell like
He smells of burnt candles, books and clay
Current Location