Pilliea De Oltas Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Pilliea De Oltas

Personality in brief description
She speaks directly and takes the punishment from her god as a sign of her devout attitude towards her faith.
Their appearance
An Eladrin beauty with long flowing fire-red hair, pale skin and eyes which have now gone milky, her skin is heavily scarred from many deep cuts across her body, these markings seem intentional in nature. She wears many heavy types of leather and pelted animals unless she is communing with her god Bane, the Strife Emperor which she steps out in just the skin she is in. She is often covered in blood at the end of one of her communes - whether it is all her own is often a point for debate among the other tribe members.
What they sound like
Whimsical and softly spoken.
What they smell like
She has a smell of fresh blood, crisp winters air and forged iron
Aligned Organization