Miygha Stuho Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Miygha Stuho (Me-gah Stew-ho)

3ft 6'
Brief History
Miygha spent the early part of her life in Hammer Deep where she learnt of many rare and wonderous objects, both magical and mundane. She wished to pursue more of the arcane arts before a tragic event took away her interest in magic and she instead wished to just pursue her interests in learning. She became part of the The Order of Undying Knowledge before it's collapse. After feeling that the gods were cutting off any path she wished to pursue, she became reclusive and spoke only to her fond nest of owls.

Personality in brief description
She still has a wildness in her eyes, a willingness to learn and to grow. But is trapped behind many layers of fear and anxiety, so while her outwardly bright appearance may appear welcoming do not try and delve too deep.

Their appearance
She wears well work woollen clothes, patches covering most of joints. She has fiery amber eyes, a long nose with a few spots, white hair with two braids through it and she often wears a belt with tinctures and tonics looped into it.

What they sound like
She is old but she annunciates hers words in their entirety.

What they smell like
She smells of old decaying flowers, feathers and an odd musk.