Melataes Character in Kaomora | World Anvil


Personality in brief description
As an ex-general to Wereborn Forces, Melataes is an experienced fighter, tactician and mastermind of the battlefield. But that is a life he prefers to put behind him now. He has at his disposal a legion of the shapeshifting elite, that keep most of the fiendish creatures that may invade his Under-lands at bay. He like Florizel likes to spend his time plotting now over cards rather than crusades.
Their appearance
He appears as a bone white werewolf, with red markings across his fur, he is always dressed in a fine business suit and he is never far away from his Cohularagga 5 Cigars.
What they sound like
He has a deep guttural and gravelly voice and can snap and snarl if he loses his temper.
What they smell like
He smells of old wine, blood and pine needles.
Aligned Organization