Whistler Tree Species in Kantostara | World Anvil

Whistler Tree

It was the height of harvest season and even the light filtering through the leaves tasted like the sweet juicy flesh of the woohoo fruit. TZ floated down lower, a bit lower than she should, in search of her prize. She peered through the leaves and let her nose lead the way. She knew it was dangerous to fly this low but wouldn't it be worth it if she could bring home some of the sacred fruit for tonight's ceremony? Besides, she could hear the whistler trees whistling their soothing song so there was no danger. As long as they kept whistling she would be okay. Then she saw it, big and round and gleaming in the sunlight. A ripe and juicy woohoo fruit peeking out from between the leaves just a little bit further down. Her mouth was watering as she flew toward it. Just as she reached out and plucked it free, the awful realization hit her. The trees had gone still and silent. No! It was a trap! She flapped her wings as hard as she could to gain altitude just as the heavy sharp-clawed paw of a Snatcher ripped through the branches to grab her. She dodged and ducked but the branches were so thick at this level that she barely had room to maneuver. The weight of the large ripe fruit wasn't helping, but she refused to let go of her prize. Two massive paws crashed through the branches coming at her from both sides and she whispered a prayer. She was sure she was a goner this time, but then the strangest thing happened. Maybe she was just imagining it, but she could swear that one of the branches of a whistler tree came swiftly down between the Snatcher's paws shielding her. The vicious creature dug its claws deeply into the branch and was just stuck there as TZ flew out of range. Then the tree branch snapped back up again sending the Snatcher flying and plummeting to a point so low that it barely missed hitting the ground. The whistler trees resumed their soothing song as TZ floated up higher and higher clutching her precious fruit and thanking the magickal trees for protecting her as she went. She couldn't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they saw what she brought. She had one heck of a story to tell too, but then she realized that she had better keep it just between her and the whistler trees. If her mother ever found out how close she came to being a Snatcher's snack, she would kill her.  

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Whistler trees grow from seeds dropped to the ground in round pods. Although each pod contains many seeds, few actually take root and grow to maturity. Those that do grow very slowly and live to be quite ancient.  

Ecology and Habitats

Whistler trees grow in groves of 50-100 interspersed with the smaller more plentiful zsa-zsa trees. They are tall and slender with smooth bark and have branches only on the upper third of the tree. They have long feather shaped dark green leaves which they retain throughout all seasons.  

Additional Information

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Whistler trees have a symbiotic relationship with Jaleerians, a species of winged people, who live in villages of hexagonal shaped homes woven into their uppermost branches. The Jaleerians care for the trees, keeping them healthy, and in return, the whistler trees provide their friends with shelter as well as protection from threats like the Snatchers. When all is well, the whistler trees continuously sway gently in the wind and whistle a melody known as the Jaleerian lullaby because mothers mimic the sound to soothe their babies. However, if there is danger, the whistler trees will immediately become still and silent alerting the Jaleerians that it's time to take flight.   In addition to the Jaleerians, whistler trees also provide support for the smaller more plentiful zsa-zsa trees that grow within and around whistler groves by sheltering them from the elements and by helping to prevent soil errosion and sharing nutrients through their vast underground root systems. Zsa-zsa trees are important to the economy of the ground-dwelling Snatchers, providing a number of resources, as well as the prized woohoo fruit which is enjoyed by Jaleerians as a part of the celebration of their highest of holy days.
Average Height
1350 ft.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Whistler Trees


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