The Legend of the Four Indigo Sisters and Their Two Glowing Daughters Who Light the Way to a New Dawn Myth in Kantostara | World Anvil

The Legend of the Four Indigo Sisters and Their Two Glowing Daughters Who Light the Way to a New Dawn

Long ago, at the dawning of a new age, four indigo sisters were brought into being. They were beautiful and majestic in their rotund perfection, and each one held special treasures deep inside herself, but there was something missing. The sisters were not in their proper place. They belonged with their two glowing daughters who waited far away across the stars for their mothers to arrive. So the four indigo sisters set out in search of their two glowing daughters, traveling far and wide across the tiny galaxy of Kantostara. Until one day they saw the gentle glow of twin orbs circling a distant world. "Such beautiful light could only be our daughters!" they exclaimed in unison as they made their way toward that gentle glow. Their long search had finally come to an end and their little family was complete. The sweet reunion had all six of them crying tears of joy that rained down upon the world below. The oceans rose and rivers overflowed as monsoons of joyful tears cleansed all of Kataan, preparing the world for its new life. Then the four indigo sisters followed by their two glowing daughters who light the way to a new dawn arranged themselves neatly in a row and began their stately procession across the skies of Kataan spreading rainbows as they went. In time people began to arrive and build homes half buried in the ground to shelter from the storms that continuously bathed and purified their new world. The people worshiped the indigo sisters and their glowing daughters who, in return, bestowed gifts from the treasures they held within themselves. There were those who appreciated the smallest of gifts, believing in the virtues of a modest and simple life, but there were others who became greedy. No matter how much they were given, they always wanted more, so they raided the treasure troves of the indigo sisters and their glowing daughters. Greatly angered by this trespass, they warned the people that, unless they abandoned their greedy ways and restored balance soon, one day in the not too distant future the indigo sisters would reach down to avenge themselves and their daughters in a great cataclysmic cleansing. Only those who truly believe will be spared to witness the four indigo sisters and their two glowing daughters light the way to a new dawn across the skies of Kataan once more.  

Historical Basis

The legend of the four indigo sisters and their two glowing daughters who light the way to a new dawn is a more poetic version of actual events that took place on Kataan as told by a religious sect known as the believers. The four indigo sisters are the four artificial moons that were added to the two natural moons who are the glowing daughters. The gifts refer to the resources contained within each moon that are used for the manufacture of consumer goods which is the main occupation of the colonists who settled on Kataan. This legend also warns of an impending disaster caused by the increased use of resources for ever greater production of goods that has begun to disturb the delicate balance of the orbits of the six moons.  

Cultural Reception

The workers of Kataan regard this legend as nothing more than a quaint little fairytale version of the history of their world, but to the believers, it is an important part of their religious teachings. This is not to say that the believers deny the acutal events of the manufacturing of Kataan, but they have come to worship the six moons and cosider them to be living beings. Therefore, the exploitation of their resources for profit is sacreligious to the believers whose religion teaches that a spartan lifestyle is the key to salvation.
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Cover image: Kantostara by Alex the Creatrix


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