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First, there was Void, but suddenly in there was a disturbance in the Void and planets and stars were created by a massive explosion. It took millennia before the Void was silent again, but some particular planets and stars still cause a disturbance in this Void. Those Stars and Planets are filled with enough energy of this explosion, to generate their own existence in the Void. One of those worlds, created by this explosion, is Kandria.   The inhabitants call this particular energy Mana. From the smallest insect to the mighty Dragons and Leviathans, everything is a creation of Mana. Beings grow more powerful, the more Mana it contains. The most potent being is Morrigan, who watches over all living being good and evil. Morrigain vanished a long time ago, and to this day nobody remembers her.   In recent history, Kandria is populated by humans which divide into Tjarn Tribes of the North, the Maritime Nation of Skanwatre at the West Coast, the war-torn people of the Midden Reik and the great Andric Empire.   Only a few ruins and scripts testify to the existence of full-blooded elves and their civilisation. If it weren't for the half-elves that wander this world, nobody would believe that pure elves had existed in the past. Even when you think you might have found a real fairy, it is hard to tell, because half-elves and pure elves look a lot alike - so you wouldn't recognise them. Half-elves life in all kingdoms, humans, dwarfs and halflings alike hate them. It wasn't until 50 years ago when the Andric Empire forbid slavery in their realm; this was the first time in uncountable millennia that half-elves had tasted freedom. Everywhere they go folks treat them as second-class citizens.   In the southern hills of Skanwatre, a community of Halflings makes their living with cultivating vine and tobacco. Their goods are not only enjoyed by themselves but also sent into every corner of the world.   The snowy mountain range in the North of Kandria is a dangerous and mysterious place. A daring group of hikers who tried to be the first to climb the highest mountain were scared away by what they believed were dark elves. Yet nobody trusts what they say. It probably was a wild beast.   In the Mountains of the Andric Empire, do life some Dwarfs, but they rarely come out of their mines. They do not care for the matters of the world. Mining and riches are the only things they truly want. But everywhere in Kandria changes are about to come - even for dwarfs.   The Emperor of the Andric Empire is old, and there are no successors. The nobility gets more and more audacious every day. They are lying in wait like bloodthirsty hounds. Ready to jump at the opportunity of becoming the new emperor.   The religious order Stromus Solare wants to civilise the North and also to convert the Midden Reik to their religion. Stromus Solare is an independent religious, military division of the Andric Empire and causes incidents at the borders Midden Reik, which leads to diplomatic tensions.   The waters of Skanwatre are not safe to travel these days, even the most reckless seafarer don't set sails their days and the ones who do rarely return and if they do they are changed. A lethal disease makes its rounds, and the victims sometimes come back as undead, the word is that this is all work of Witches! So a witch-hunt has started in Skanwatre which claims the lives of many innocent. Skadraggen, the Capital City, is completely locked down. Nobody comes in, and nobody comes outside.   In the Marshland reports of great evil make their ways to civilised worlds. Might be some old wives tales, but none less the Marsh was always a dangerous place even without monsters spooking around this place.      
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