Calamity Fish Species in Kallevaar | World Anvil
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Calamity Fish

The Calamity Fish is, obviously, a type of fish. They got their name because they are believed to be originated from the great calamity, when the gods had a dispute and changed the world with it. Nobody knows if that is the truth or a myth, but the special qualities of the fish point to a supernatural origin of some sort.

Basic Information


The Calamity Fish is approximately 30 cm long and shaped like a fish. It has two big fins in the front, two small ones on it's belly and a tailfin.

It's body is white with a silver shimmer, but the fins have a dark red band at the edge. It's eyes are black dots on it's head, standing out against the otherwise bright fish.

Their most unique feature is the way their flesh behaves when you bite into them. It rapidly multiplies in their mouth by means condidered magical. It kills any predator who tries to eat them in pieces instead of swallowing them whole by either suffocating them or at least making it impossible for them to eat.  

Genetics and Reproduction

The Calamity fish gathers once a year in the south of the coral reef to release millions of eggs into the water. The male fish fertilize those eggs before the swim off into the ocean with the plankton.

Growth Rate & Stages

The eggs that manage to stay withing the bay of Summerset and don't end up in waters cold enough to kill them off will hatch as little, transparent miniature fish, who will feed on anything small enough to fit in their mouth. This stage lasts from 4-8 weeks, depending on the amount of food they can get during this time.

Afterwards the juvenile fishlings will find themselves into the coral reef, feeding on algae and using the reef for protection. During this time they gain their signature colour. They join the swarm once they grow too big to hide inside the reef fauna.

1-2 years after hatching they reach fertility.

Ecology and Habitats

The Calamity fish live in warm salt water areas around coral reefs. They like to eat small critters they find in the sand, but will also eat algae and other waterplants.

They are prey for other, bigger fish, but only for those who are big enough to swallow them whole, because taking a bite out of them, would kill the predator.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Calamty fish can see with it's eyes as well as the average fish can and additionally uses waterpreasure for orientation. That's how they know which height they are in underwater.

In general, they do not have any additional bonus senses outside of what the average fish would use.  


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Dec 26, 2023 20:09 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh my gosh, the way they handle predators is horrifying and I love it. Sounds like a cute fish! :) I love all the information you've provided about how they breed and how the babies grow up.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 30, 2023 19:50

Let me tell you that I almost lost my mind researching fish reproduction for ages to actually do this XD Also yes it is a very cute fish. I'd keep a few in an aquarium if they were real.