The Black War Military Conflict in Kaldra | World Anvil
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The Black War

The war which spurned the tale of The Curse of the Black General. The Khufuan Army rode up over the mountains and pillaged and burned villages in southern Inglaand, using beings of legendary might and mystical power as the bulk of their army. Many kingdoms rushed to Inglaand's aid, but the fledgling nation was no match for the creatures that are described in lore as having "fantastical abilities far beyond that of moral man".   The tide only turned when a man seemly from no where rose up against the Khufuan army with superior tactics and strategies and, in the end, a "dark and detrimental" power of his own. He became known as "The Black General". He trained a group of strong men as his personal brigade called the "Grim Fist" and together with them began turning the tide in the war.   Many people disagree about how the war truly ended. Legend says the "Black General" had the power to syphon life itself from those around him, and it was this power that caused Mount Desolas to erupt. Historians don't usually i   In an effort to end a war that was costing millions of lives, The "Black General", who legend says had the power to syphon life energy from around him, caused Mount Desolas to erupt by draining the life itself from the mountain, inadvertently creating the Dark Forest, Death's Door, and poisoning the land around them for hundreds of miles.
Conflict Type
Start Date
3rd of Fes, 29 BGD
Ending Date
12th of Kiyrs, 0AGD

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