
Northern Hasehak  
The Ilaowi people of northern Hasehak keep ornate embossed jackalope antlers for ritual potion brewing. Druids claim it is a great universal repellent, a stirring utensil that won’t either inadvertently add to the brew or dissolve in something acidic. The exposure of the blackened interior is necessary, while the embossment is a traditional choice to make each stirring utensil both enchanted with written runes and unique to the druid.
— Anonymous Kexist anthropologist
Northern Hasehak  
The Ilaowi people of northern Hasehak keep ornate embossed jackalope antlers for ritual potion brewing. Druids claim it is a great universal repellent, a stirring utensil that won’t either inadvertently add to the brew or dissolve in something acidic. The exposure of the blackened interior is necessary, while the embossment is a traditional choice to make each stirring utensil both enchanted with written runes and unique to the druid.
— Anonymous Kexist anthropologist
Northern Hasehak  
The Ilaowi people of northern Hasehak keep ornate embossed jackalope antlers for ritual potion brewing. Druids claim it is a great universal repellent, a stirring utensil that won’t either inadvertently add to the brew or dissolve in something acidic. The exposure of the blackened interior is necessary, while the embossment is a traditional choice to make each stirring utensil both enchanted with written runes and unique to the druid.
— Anonymous Kexist anthropologist
Northern Hasehak  
The Ilaowi people of northern Hasehak keep ornate embossed jackalope antlers for ritual potion brewing. Druids claim it is a great universal repellent, a stirring utensil that won’t either inadvertently add to the brew or dissolve in something acidic. The exposure of the blackened interior is necessary, while the embossment is a traditional choice to make each stirring utensil both enchanted with written runes and unique to the druid.
— Anonymous Kexist anthropologist
Northern Hasehak  
The Ilaowi people of northern Hasehak keep ornate embossed jackalope antlers for ritual potion brewing. Druids claim it is a great universal repellent, a stirring utensil that won’t either inadvertently add to the brew or dissolve in something acidic. The exposure of the blackened interior is necessary, while the embossment is a traditional choice to make each stirring utensil both enchanted with written runes and unique to the druid.
— Anonymous Kexist anthropologist
Northern Hasehak  
The Ilaowi people of northern Hasehak keep ornate embossed jackalope antlers for ritual potion brewing. Druids claim it is a great universal repellent, a stirring utensil that won’t either inadvertently add to the brew or dissolve in something acidic. The exposure of the blackened interior is necessary, while the embossment is a traditional choice to make each stirring utensil both enchanted with written runes and unique to the druid.
— Anonymous Kexist anthropologist


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