Kalara The Empire Wars

The Empire Wars

Era beginning/end

Approximately 4750 — 3750 BT (Before Taming)

The dangerous and evil creatures that survived their defeat in the Great War fled from the lands of the Children. Few in number and fearing the extermination of their kind, most of them went into hiding in the bleak lands of Kalara to the far north and west. While the Children rebuilt Eldacinth in the east, and expanded into the rich and unsettled lands south of the Nurian and Enduran mountains and the Galerian Sea, they, too, slowly rebuilt their numbers and strength. It was inevitable that the two would eventually come into conflict once more — and they did.

The period between The Peace and The Grim Times is known as the time of the Empire Wars. It was marked by a series of civilization-ending battles and massacres on both sides as the people and creatures of the Dark, and their rebuilt armies, renewed their campaign of conquest against the Children. Empires fell, and then rose again from the wreckage through great achievements in culture, magic, philosophy and technology — only to be dashed once more by war upon the rocks of history, their knowledge and works lost, their peoples slaughtered or scattered.

The strongholds of the Children became like islands amid a raging sea of hostile monsters: demons, dragons, giants, ogres, Hellmen, undead, and many others. Time and again the surge broke over them, washing them away. Each time they took root again on another island amid the chaos, to begin the process anew.

And so it continued for thousands of years.

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