The Order of the White Rose Organization in Kai | World Anvil
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The Order of the White Rose


This culture is formed around an organization dedicated to Talona. Their faith provides structure and resources to collectively pursue their stewardship of the gardens and green-spaces of Kachmorah. Their bonds tend to be colleague-to-colleague given the ethos of their temple.

Upon usurping the throne, Sultanah Surlamin was inspired to expand public access to infrastructure and provide more social services to her people. She founded the Order of the White Rose to maintain the grand gardens of Kachmorah (as well as all other gardens throughout the city). Although the name evokes a favored flower of Ilmater, Surlaim sought members of Talona’s temple who specialized in natural magic and/or expressed a love of nature. Upon receiving her instructions, temple leaders identified volunteers (or in some cases just conscripted them) and enlisted them in Surlamin's service.


The White Rose treasures a massive botanical garden and glasshouse that was first commissioned by a previous sultan. Now under their care, they consider it place of pride, history and achievement.

Love of Nature

This faction is dedicated to acting as stewards and servants of natural forces. They build their culture around a close relationship with plants. What they love most about nature is that it makes life possible, and rewards dedication and care. Unlike the other major factions, the White Rose live in a way that entrenches them in nature, green space, and dealing with the public of Kachmorah. They also have extremely close ties with the Sultanah as the order's work is one of a few initiatives she directly oversees.

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Due to their close, ongoing work with a wide variety of flora, they know which flowers are deadly and have even partnered with others to make poisons. Some of the members of this order are also members of the Shadow Rats.


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The Bards of Ash and Embers(BAE) have struck an accord with the White Rose. This agreement demands an exchange of secret, privileged information in exchange for a mutual effort to protect each other. Due to the BAE’s history of secrecy and intrigue, they are not always direct, forthcoming or clear when they provide information. Some members of the White Rose resent the additional layers of work it takes to decode and interpret information. They prefer to work in silence, speaking in hushed tones only when necessary.

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Since members of the White Rose operate in the grand gardens, as well as gardens and green spaces across Kachmorah, they end up in close proximity to The Order of the Eternal Torch. They benefit from this closeness as the Eternal Torch does not suspect them of collecting and leaking information to the BAE. The White Rose would not be able to stand up to the might of the Eternal Torch in terms of battle or force. They are extra diligent to operate as silently and out-of-the-way as possible as to not arouse suspicion or ire.


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