The Dragonborn Cain Empire Organization in Kai | World Anvil
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The Dragonborn Cain Empire

Demography and Population

The Cain Empire is almost exclusively comprised of Dragonborn. The population is subdivided by clans.

Gold Clan

The Gold Clan are considered to be, collectively, the most powerful and majestic of the clans. They are a wise, lawful, altruistic clan that fights injustice. Gold Dragonborn are very knowledgeable and reclusive. They prefer stone lairs and have a cone of fire as a breath weapon.

Silver Clan

The Silver Clan are a regal, lawful, altruistic clan who may live abroad among humans and elves. Their breath weapon is a cone of freezing cold, and they normally lair in mountains. They are very smart and prefer not to fight unless necessary.

Bronze Clan

The Bronze Clan are inquisitive with a fierce appearance and a fascination for warfare. They will often seek to fight malevolent forces, and may join other armies if they align with their cause. They are lawful, benevolent, live in coastal areas, and have an electrical breath weapon.

Copper Clan

The Copper Clan are pranksters, jokesters, and riddlers. They are chaotic, benevolent, and live in rocky mountains. Copper Clan members have an acid breath weapon but prefer to avoid combat altogether, instead taunting and teasing foes until they leave.

Brass Clan

The Brass Clan are extremely talkative and love the intense heat of deserts. They often engage foes and friends alike in hours of long-winded conversation. They avoid combat if possible, but will use their breath weapon, a cone of sleeping gas, to subdue foes if threatened. While they are considered the weakest of the clans, they are chaotic and and of a good nature.


Historically, all Dragonborn of the Cain Empire have worshiped the Draconic Pantheon exclusively. However, the empire's youngest and most northern settlement has formally adopted [TBD] as their state religion.

Foreign Relations

The Cain Empire is notoriously insular, only letting in outsiders for business, trade, or political diplomacy. Multiple major conflicts with the Elven Ulzdra Empire has put them on the defensive.


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