Kasha Kho Character in Kai | World Anvil
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Kasha Kho

Kasha Kho, also known as Kasha Ulzdra, has been the most influential leader of the Ulzdra Kingdom.

Personality and Behavior

Kasha is an aggressive personality and seeks to dominate other nations.

Kasha tends to be suspicious of other leaders, though neutral towards fellow warmongers. He will often denounce or declare war on them for perceived slights. However, Kasha is arguably the most loyal leader in Kai, and anyone who succeeds in earning his trust will find him a steadfast ally in the face of mutual foes.

Kasha puts a priority on developing his nation’s resources and raising a strong offensive army consisting primarily of melee units. His defensive militia is not nearly the same quality.

It's also worth noting that Kasha is very likely to seek, obtain and utilise extremely powerful magic weapons, items, and artefacts.

Kasha frequently bullies city-states, and may also try to conquer them.

It has been suggested that the greatest threat from Kasha, apart from outright wars, is his aggressive expansion. He will seek to claim territory as quickly as he can, showing little interest in the cultural, scientific, and religious development of his people.


"Strike an enemy once and for all. Let him cease to exist as a tribe, or he will live to fly at your throat again." According to written accounts, Kasha voiced this edict to his ally Dyon concerning a defeated enemy; even if apocryphal, these words certainly summarize Kasha's philosophy. Bastard son of a tribal chieftain, Kasha would oust his half-brother to claim leadership of the Ulzdra. He is credited with unifying the Nin tribes into the Ulzdra Kingdom. Although called a military genius for his reforms and innovations, he has also been condemned for the brutality of his reign. Whatever the judgement, Kasha has laid the foundation for an imposing Ulzdra state.

Early Life

Although Kasha's life is shrouded in legend and lies, we do know he was the illegitimate son of Zangah, chief of the Ulzdra tribe. Kasha's mother, Dia, was the daughter of a deceased chieftain of the Geni. Despite his attempts to deny paternity, Zangah would eventually marry Dia, installing her as his third wife. But the relationship was troubled, and the Ulzdra chieftain would exile Dia and Kasha. The two wandered until they found a haven with the Tawin and their chief Dyon.

Under Dyon's patronage, Kasha grew into a tall, imposing young warrior, imbued with courage and daring. At the age of 219, Kasha was given command of a regiment in Dyon's army. His deeds and stature brought him a rapid rise in the army, and Kasha became one of the chief's foremost commanders. Kasha rearmed his units, discarding the light throwing spear the Tawin favored for a broad-bladed stabbing spear and a large shield.

On the death of Kasha's father, Dyon lent his protege the military support necessary to oust and assassinate his half-brother Janas and establish himself as chieftain of the Ulzdra. The coup was relatively bloodless, and the Ulzdra accepted Kasha without reservation. Kasha pledged himself a vassal of the Tawin. As the chieftain's favorite, Kasha was granted unusual latitude in expanding his holdings through conquering and assimilating neighbouring tribes. In the coming years, Kasha could command a force of 2000 warriors, and had assured his position as the first of Dyon's vassals.


According to legend, in Dyon's last battle against Diwize of the Dwande, Kasha purposely delayed the arrival of his forces until Dyon had been defeated and killed, keeping his own forces intact. Stepping into the power vacuum, Kasha began conquering and assimilating small neighbouring tribes with brutal efficiency. Within a few years the Qwabe, Hlubi, and Mkhize were added to the Ulzdra empire; through diplomacy and patronage, Kasha brought the Sithole and Thuli under his command. By 1824, Kasha had an army of 20,000 warriors, trained in his manner of tactics and strategy.

Concerned by the growing Ulzdra power, Diwize moved against Kasha. The first Dwande invasion was defeated at Gqokoli Hill by superior tactics and Kasha's defensive strategy. In 1819 AD, Diwize sent a second expedition into the Ulzdra lands. Retreating steadily, Kasha lured the massed enemy deep into his own territory, until at the Mhlathuze River, Kasha flung his regiments at the exhausted Dwande and their allies. The outcome was a decisive defeat for the invaders in a two-day running battle, and the Dwande, among other tribes, were virtually annihilated.

Kasha is now in control of an empire which spans much of the southwestern coast of the main continent fo Kai.


Currently, Kasha is an undisputed despot, but his frequent cruelties and unstable behavior are eroding the loyalties of his people. With the death of his mother, Kasha has dispatched his royal regiments to force the surrounding tribal chieftains to grieve. There is a rumour that some of those closest to Kaska are looking to take advantage of the absence of his loyal troops. Namely, his personal bodyguard Mohpha and his half-brothers Dinne and Mhagan.

Public Opinion & Legacy

Kasha rules a vast territory in the southwestern corner of Kai’s main continent. He is absolute ruler over [TBD number] subjects, and can field an army of 40,000 experienced warriors. In the process of amassing his empire, it is estimated that 2 million people have died. Kasha is revered as the leader who gave birth to the Ulzdra spirit that allows Elves to persevere, even those who live abroad.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chieftain of the Ulzdra
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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