Istishia Character in Kai | World Anvil
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Istishia (/ɪsˈtɪʃiɑː/ is-TISH-ee-ah)

Istishia is the Infernal deity of the Tempest domain. Their titles include The Water Liege, The Cold One, The Frostenby, Icedawn, Storm-bringer, The Liege of Air, Liege of the Winds, and the Monarch of Air. They are associated with water, air, purification, storms, winter, speed, and flying creatures.

Records indicate that their presence is heralded by a number of phenomena. These include an icy breath with a cold, ruthless chuckle; a blue-white aura leaving a trail of frost; a blank-eyed face of frost with hair emitting cold; rising wind; or whispers in the breeze.

There are many stories regarding Istishia’s former manifestations on the Material plane.

Their water form ranged from a drop of rain, to an ocean wave, to creatures such as a water weird or gigantic water elemental. Most impressive was arguably the form of a think colum of water, 40 to 60 feet (12 to 18 meters) tall, and 20 to 30 feet (6.1 to 9.1 meters) thick. This form was said to maneuver effortlessly over or through any obstacles in its path, its movements sounding like the surf pounding on the shore. It could divide into several parts in an effort by the Water Liege to confuse their enemies. When they spoke, their voice was at once the sound of rushing water, a babbling brook, and a gentle rain.

Their ice form was said to be more akin to a femme humanoid with blue skin, and a body made from ice and snow. Worshipers in the far northern reaches of the main continent have written about sighting Istishia modifying their form. The most famous account was described as “the Cold Crone” where Istishia appeared as a hunched bipedal creature standing 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall with snowy owl's head, a pair of curled ram's horns, cloven hooves, and arms that ended in sharp talons.

Istishia’s air form was described as “both the whispering wind and the turbulent tempest, sweet and moist at times while bitter and cold at others,” and was said to change with the seasons. Religious depictions portray them as a giant, blue, translucent femme humanoid with huge feathery wings that trail away into the clouds. The Liege of the Winds is revered in both masc and femme aspects in different parts of the world, and the distinction between these representations make no difference to their faithful. The Monarch of Air's avatar was said to appear as a 160 feet (49 meters) tall column of swirling winds, reminiscent of (but not actually) a giant tornado reaching into the clouds. Their voice could range in volume from the slightest breeze to an insistent squall, audible for miles in every direction.

Though religious texts suggest that Istishia does not have a court in the conventional sense, other notes indicate that they did maintain a distinct divine realm on the Infernal plane called the “Sea of Timelessness”.

Istishia’s holy symbol is a storm cloud over the ocean. They are said to favor a variety of creatures, namely flying animals as well as many monsters such as water elementals, ice para-elementals, undead, winter wolves, frost giants, frostwind viragos, winter hags, air elementals, and ice serpents. Istishia is also associated with colors of light blue, gray, and icy-white.

Power: 3/5 | Interest: 3/5 | Passion: 1/5 | Form: 3/5 | Thought: 4/5


Loyalty Influence Size
8/10 3/10 1/10

Istishia is worshiped by druids, sailors, pirates, water Elementals, water genasi, some aquatic elves, and others who feel a bond with the ocean's destructive power.

Worshipers within this Istishia’s "church" are fanatical and willing to place their lives on the line in the name of their deity. The faith is organized to some extent, but it mostly exists more on a conceptual level than anything else. Istishia awaits followers to come to them. When their followers do organize, with great effort they can accomplish small things.

In the north, they are a commonly worshiped, and feared deity who is an integral part of northern cultures.

Northlanders aligned with the Infernal plane consider Istishia one of their primary deities and is a key part of their culture. They are feared and seen as the harbinger of winter upon the whole world. In the late autumn and over the winter, regular sacrifices are made to them. Sacrifices of food are placed upon rafts which are then set adrift in the ocean.

There are rumors that during the winter, followers of Istishia openly recruit from the destitute, homeless and refugees. They are offered salvation, instead of the risk of freezing to death in an alley, if they join the faith.

Undersun invaders are credited with bringing the worship of Istishia to Thage.

Istishia is one of the deities worshiped by air and water genasi, especially those who live in cold regions. Air gensasi tend to be zealous in their worship, with a fanatical devotion to Istishia. They celebrate weaponizing cold air on other creatures.

Druids see them as deserving of veneration in spite of their more impersonal tendencies relative to some other members of the Infernal pantheon.

One example of a fitting sacrifice to Istishia is the burning of incense that is carried to them on the winds, a often necessary action before they would recognize their followers.

Listening to the sounds of nature, spreading the word of Istishia glory, and spontaneously choosing to act upon the interests of the moment are the most common activities of Istishia’s followers. Occasionally, clerics of Istishia became absorbed in something called a "life experiment," an absolute goal of either a useful or personal manner. For example, one cleric might have been devoted to raising animals, while another might try and deduce how different civilizations accommodate powerful storms.

Before dawn, clerics of Istishia pray for their divine spells. Worshipers in warmer climates gather in deserts. The chant of heroes of their faith is spoken, while new names are added to the list of those who had died during the past year.


The followers of Istishia are often divided into small sects, and these sects vary in the manner in which they spread their dogma, though are similar in their practices.

The Whisper

This sect works quietly, trying to discreetly bring about change.

The Roar

This group dedicated to Istishia are those who openly preached the Liege of Air's dogma.

Divine Domains

Tempest, water, air, purification, storms, winter, speed, and flying creatures

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A storm cloud above the ocean.


Midwinter (Night)

This is the most holy night of the year for the clergy living in colder regions of Kai, consisting of a festival of ice-dancing that lasts all night. Druids were also known to pay respect to the Cold One on this date.

The Coming Storm and the Last Storm

These are informal but enthusiastically celebrated rituals where the priests gather and call howling ice storms down on a region to mark the onset and end of winter.

Istishia's Blesstide (Istishia's Day)

A holiday (of sorts) held annually on the first day of new frost in the year. It is not so much a holiday as a way to seek to appease Istishia in hopes of a mild winter.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Istishia is said to provide an atmosphere for life and provide a vital resource, yet they will not grant life itself and care not how their gifts are used.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Istishia is depicted in stories in a wide variety of forms, namely water, ice, and air. Their ice and air forms were more akin to a femme humanoid. They are revered in both masc and femme aspects in different parts of the world, and the distinction between these representations make no difference to their faithful.

Body Features

In their ice form, they were described as having blue skin, and a body made from ice and snow. In their air form, they were often portrayed as being giant, blue, and translucent with huge feathery wings that trailed away into the clouds.

Special abilities

Ancient stories about Istishia shared among druids, sailors, pirates, water Elementals, water genasi, some aquatic elves, and others all describe the feeling a bond with the ocean's destructive power. Istishia's water form was said to range from a drop of rain, to an ocean wave, to a water weird or gigantic water elemental. When they manifested, records describe that it was as a 40 to 60 feet (12 to 18 meters) tall, 20 to 30 feet (6.1 to 9.1 meters) thick, column of water. This form maneuvered effortlessly over or through any obstacles in its path, its movements sounding like the surf pounding on the shore, and was known to divide into several parts in an effort by Istishia to confuse their enemies.

Worshipers in the far northern reaches of the main continent have written about sighting Istishia modifying their ice form. The most famous account was described as “the Cold Crone” where Istishia appeared as a hunched bipedal creature standing 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall with snowy owl's head, a pair of curled ram's horns, cloven hooves, and arms that end in sharp talons.

Istishia's air form was documented as "both the whispering wind and the turbulent tempest, sweet and moist at times while bitter and cold at others," and also noted that their form changed with the seasons. When they used to manifest as an avatar, they usually appeared as a 160 feet (49 meters) tall column of swirling winds, reminiscent of (but not actually) a giant tornado reaching into the clouds.

Istishia's wings were said to send the winds across Kai’s surface. They go on to say that Istishia carried many sights and sounds along the journey, but never stopped to make clear the importance of their travels to others.


Favored animals

  • Flying creatures

Favored monsters

  • Water elementals
  • Ice para-elementals
  • Undead
  • Winter wolves
  • Frost giants
  • Frostwind viragos
  • Winter hags
  • Air elementals
  • Ice serpents
  • Air genasi

Favored colors

  • Light blue and gray
  • Icy-white


  • An icy breath with a cold, ruthless chuckle
  • A blue-white aura leaving a trail of frost
  • A blank-eyed face of frost with hair emitting cold
  • Rising wind
  • Whispers in the breeze

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Documents regarding Istishia reactions indicate that they are difficult to gauge, but more often comes across as a slippery, dispassionate power whose reasons and logic are incomprehensible to most. Some have described Istishia as fickle, vain, and at times even selfish. They are relatively aloof towards their own followers, ignoring and favoring them seemingly on a whim, so alien, uncaring, and utterly random that their unpredictability was itself predictable. This indifference is inferred in some cultures as the embodiment of winter's wrath. In extreme cold climates, sacrifices and worship to Istishia have often been done out of fear and desperation. In the rare instances they seem to have some small degree of affection for their followers, it’s most often displayed when a large offering is made. However, so it could be argued that they only cared when bribed.


Contacts & Relations

Show Spoiler

I must betray Talona though it pains me.

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I love Malar, who only has eyes for Talona.


Is has been said that, in their water form, Istishia's voice was at once the sound of rushing water, a babbling brook, and a gentle rain. In air form, their voice could range in volume from the slightest breeze to an insistent squall, audible for miles in every direction.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Water Liege, The Cold One, The Frostenby, Icedawn, Storm-bringer, The Liege of Air, The Liege of the Winds, The Monarch of Air
Current Residence
The Infernal Plane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue (Ice Form Blue and translucent with huge feathery wings (Air Form)


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