Elizagurth Bethaneen Character in Kai | World Anvil
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Elizagurth Bethaneen

Elizagurth Bethaneen is the fifth monarch of the Dort dynasty in Tangloveen.

Personality and Behavior

Elizagurth seeks peace through diplomacy with all nations, but she may attempt other methods to secure her people's future should their be an ample opportunity or occasion.

Elizagurth is often hostile, but not especially bloodthirsty, as she is not very bold and does not seek to wage many wars. She is very difficult to befriend and quick to denounce anyone who angers her, as well.

Most of the time, Elizagurth has a small offensive force, but a good defensive army with many infantry and ranged units. Aside from that, given Elizagurth's strong emphasis on raising a large navy, the Tangloveen navy is said to be one of the best in the world.

Elizagurth also focuses on developing her empire's economy, and is more likely than most to utilize espionage.

Elizagurth will often try to protect city-states.


Elizagurth is a remarkable Elven woman living in a remarkable age. Beautiful, brilliant, and as tough as nails, she survives and indeed thrives.

Public Opinion & Legacy

Elizagurth seeks to leave her country in a much better state than when she came to power. Her great skills include an unerring survival instinct and flair for self-promotion, personal charisma, and toughness matching that of the strongest rulers in the history of Kai.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gloriana, Good Queen Beth
Gray, fluttering bangs and a loose bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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