Daria Character in Kai | World Anvil
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Daria is the third empress of the Siapreen Empire. She would prefer to lead her people to prosperity through scientific achievement.

Personality and Behavior

Daria wanted to focus her efforts on developing her nation's scientific or cultural progress, and is extremely hesitant about attempting to dominate other civilizations.

Unsurprisingly, Daria's main emphasis is the happiness of her people. She also tends to try to secure as much Gold and economic power as possible.

Daria generally leads a small offensive army, but also a large defensive army and well-defended cities. Her empire also has numerous improvements and better infrastructure.

Daria is not very willing to forgive, but will very rarely turn hostile, unless faced with a true warmonger. She is not very bold, either, and prefers to make decisions after collecting as much intelligence and information as possible.

Daria has a strong tendency to demand tribute from city-states.


The daughter of a governor, Daria forcibly took the throne of Siapreen upon the death of Cambi II. An administrative genius, she has reorganized the Siapreen empire, striving to greatly increase its wealth and power. She has also implemented many great construction works across the empire.

Public Opinion & Legacy

Daria is generally considered quite favorable by her people (if you put aside her questionable ascension to power). She constructed roads, reorganized the Siapreen provinces and government, secured the empire's borders, and generally treated her subjects about as well as or better than anyone in that time. Although not primarily known as a warlord, she has fought a number of successful campaigns against both internal and external foes. It is quite possible that she could successfully subjugate other civilizations with enough time and resources. Her son, Rex, doesn't apear up to the task. All in all, Daria has worked hard to make her empire in better condition than she found it.

Personality Characteristics


Daria spends most of her time in Gothum, away from the Siapreen capital city. She is convinced that the key to her people's success and survival is unity through strong leadership. She had worked exceptionally hard to command a fiercely loyal army combined of Halflings and Humans - a reflection of the successful integration of both races after the Siapreen empire captured the city of Gothum from the Moricanna. Unfortunatly, the Irmoa are now at Gothum's doorstep and appear to rallying their forces to attack Gothum. Daria must be extra careful with her next set of moves. The loss of the original Siapreen capital city, Poliper, to the Ulzdra is still a fresh wound for many Halflings under her rule.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen Darius the Great
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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