Spicelanders Ethnicity in Kaevil | World Anvil
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The people of Kaevil refer to them as Spicelanders or Spice Islanders. They are a hardy race who have forged a life in harsh conditions of arid desert and rocky mountains. Their skin is darker than that of Kaevil natives, their hair uniformly black or very dark brown.   Although of one heritage and a shared culture there are different groups of Spicelanders   The Ahn are the more advanced culture, originating in the eastern highlands and now occupying important cities on the coast of the Spice Lands and the islands off the coast where most of the trade with the Norlanders takes place.     The Ahn now occupy much of the land once roamed and ruled by the Yulthar who are now very much second class citizens in their own lands.   The Yulthar are less civilised and have no inclination to put down roots in stone cities, living a semi-nomadic life in the lands left to them by the Ahn, the wastelands and deserts and the few fertile valleys not yet taken by their Ahn neighbours.   There is little love between Ahn and Yulthar peoples.   The Ahn are considered weak, deceitful and greedy by the Yulthar who in turn are seen as barbaric, backward savages.


Shared customary codes and values

Personal honour and courage is pre-eminent among virtues. A man or woman's personal word is their most binding oath

Common Etiquette rules

Individualism is emphasised, a Spicelander will not judge anyone for stepping outside the norm socially, only for cowardice or dishonour - including abandoning ones principles in order to fit in.

Common Myths and Legends

The Spicelanders are suspicious of their gods - they see them as remote and hostile beings of great power who can sometimes be impressed with individuals and reward them capriciously. Yelm the desert raven is a malicious and cruel scavenger for instance, but who prizes courage and cunning.


Beauty Ideals

Healthy bodies are attractive bodies.
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