Fastine Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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A lord of House Malmor.   He is in his mid-fifties, plump and red faced with white whiskers. He seems a jolly Falstaffian figure, always happy to make a joke or be the butt of a joke if it serves his needs. Beneath the bonhomie however he is an unpleasant fellow, out for himself and his own wealth, and he never forgets a slight. He drinks to excess only when alone and maintains a level of self control, well hidden, when in public. He keeps three mistresses, each of whom has their own house near his own, and has a store of interesting recreational narcotics which he can use for fun or to influence others. He's cautious and calculating, but does occasionally slip up when fulfilling his own desires is brought into play.
Current Location
Year of Birth
994 AS 59 Years old
Aligned Organization


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