Kadmeian Ethnicity in Kadmeian Mysteries | World Anvil
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The Kadmeians are a young people. The country was named after a foreign prince, Kadmos, established the city of Rabdos and his new dynasty. Other nearby cities declared allegiance to him, and adopted the moniker, though they remained effectively independent, and recognized Kadmos merely as first among equals. Many people named Kadmeians are still mostly unaware of belonging to this group, and prioritize older regional identifications. The Kadmeians include a foreign-born elite   The country remains divided into several warlike palace-states. A new dynasty founded by the foreigner Kadmos is considered first among equals. Aside from war, Kadmeia has begun to specialize in producing olive oil and wine. It also contains an important silver mine. Kadmeian priests insist that it is the new home of the gods.


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