Lumynarea Technology / Science in Kadegan | World Anvil
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If you ever live to see the lumynarea in the ballroom of the C'strynet family, you will have seen what I imagine Cor's palace in the heavens looks like.
— A Traveler's Guide to Corethe
  The streets of Corethe, at least the streets where people with wealth and privilege live, are lit by ordinary street lanterns. Lamplighters make their rounds at dusk and dawn, lighting or snuffing each lantern.   In the less affluent parts of the city, ordinary torches, candles, or cheap lanterns light the way of the working class and the less law-abiding citizens and visitors. These lights may not always be pretty, nor smell wonderful, but they get the job done both on the go and in the home.   But in the homes of those with the money to burn or the power to wrest treasures from others, there is another option for light. A remnant of the distant past... a priceless treasure--although putting a price on it has made a lucky few very wealthy... a bit of magic in an age where magic doesn't exist... the wealthy have lumynarea.   Lumynarea lights up the studies, salons, and, in the case of at least one vitalor family, the ballrooms of Corethe's elite. Made up of shards of a dark grey stone, lumynarea can be as small as a toddler's fingernail or as big as a blacksmith's arm. It is unknown today if the shards were once a part of something bigger or if they were intentionally made at that size or even if they are naturally occuring. Always on, each piece sheds a pale green light. Smaller pieces give off light that is the equivalent of a candle. A larger piece or a collection of smaller pieces can be enough to easily light up an entire room.   While its original use is unknown, lumynarea is used for lighting and as a status symbol.  
It is said that if the god-touched are ever in the presence of lumynarea, the light will pulse in time with their heartbeat and reveal their nature.
— Scholar Solkar
The Xavi
Access & Availability
As lumynarea has only been found in this one ruined city, and those ruins and environs are lethal to most, this light source is very rare.
Nearly a century ago, the ruins of an ancient city of the Xavi were discovered on Skuran Isle to the distant south. Several expeditions atempted to explore the dangerous ruins--some disappeared without a trace, some returned with other treasures, and some came back inextricably changed at a fundamental level. However, after about five years of exploration, one group discovered lumynarea. Since then, if they are lucky, further expeditions find more, and if they manage to return with it, major profit is their reward.


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