Gods-Touched Condition in Kadegan | World Anvil
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Being gods-touched is amazing and awful in equal measures.
— Mysjenn, gods-touched by Suilileme
  Sometimes the gods, children of Nykt and Virz, play with their parents' toys. In this case, they interefere in the mortal lives of those living on Kadegan. When one of these gods blesses (or curses) one of these mortals, that mortal becomes what is known as gods-touched.


One becomes gods-touched in one of two ways.   The first is to be the recipient of one of the gods' attention directly. The god touches the mortal by turning their attention to the particular mortal--like a player studying a piece on a gameboard--or literally touching them. This particulary type if very rare as the gods rarely take physical form on Kadegan.   The second way is through genetics. For whatever reason, being gods-touched slips into the very essence of a mortal, and on rare occasion, the effects of being gods-touched surface--complete with the mark (see below).


When one of the gods touches a mortal, a mark is left. This mark can vary according to which deity is involved, but it is nearly always the size of an adult male's thumbprint. Nearly being the pertinent word here. This mark isn't always present at birth, even for those born gods-touched. The mark sometimes appears later in life.   For those born with the mark, their life isn't always easy, even if they don't develop any other powers or manifestations of their status. Some cultures believe that those born with the mark are unlucky--these are shunned or at best viewed with suspicion. Other cultures believe that the marked are blessed and seek to control the marked one for power or to curry favor with the associated deity for themselves.  
My lord, Ellynar, possessed a mark of Cor the size of both of my hands put together across his upper chest.
— Anivel, The Journals of Ellynar's Bodyservant
  Gods-touched develop powers as a result of a deity's interference in their lives. These powers vary in type and intensity depending on a wide variety of factors: the deity involved, how close to Nykt's Surge the mortal is living, and the proximity of others with gods-touched blood.


There is no known way to be 'cured' of being gods-touched. That doesn't mean that many, for a variety of motivations, haven't looked for a cure.


Most gods-touched develop their symptoms during their early adulthood. While the condition doesn't seem to directly affect the life span of the mortal, most people who are gods-touched lead lives that do not lend themselves to a long and healthy life.   While it is not guaranteed that a gods-touched will go through all of these, there are some fairly common stages most gods-touched go through.   Inert: Most of the born gods-touched remain at this stage of this condition. They have the mark but no other powers or indicators of their status. This does not always prevent them from the consequences of of the mark (see above). However, most of these remain unaware of their potential as the gods-touch with powers are so rare that few know of their potential fate.   Emerging: The onset of this stage occurs when a born gods-touched comes into contact with certain artifacts or beings. It may not always be clear what triggers an inert gods-touch into developing into this stage, but be certain there is a trigger. As for the chosen gods-touched, most of this begin at this stage of the condition. Emerging gods-touched are developing their powers. Their powers are usually uncontrollable and misunderstood. Most of the time, their powers are not at peak potential.   Stable: The onset of this stage of the condition is usually less obvious. After all, there is rarely a clear sign that a gods-touched has learned to control their powers and has reached the likely height of their strength. It is at this stage that most gods-touched have discovered their mission, their reason for existing, and pursue that mission with a nearly single-minded purpose. This is the reason that most gods-touched do not die of old age; for whatever reason, gods-touched are almost universally stubborn and become obsessed with their mission to the detriment of their health and safety.   World-Changing: Only chosen gods-touched have ever reached this stage of the condition, and reaching this stage is by no means a certainty for the chosen. At this stage, a chosen gods-touched is no longer a tool of the gods but an actual god... or at least possessed by one for a short period of time. World-changing gods-touched have made islands sink into the sea, felled massive empires, or created a new species of life. Shortly after their world-changing events, these gods-touched disappear. Some scholars believe they die. Others that they've moved on to live with the gods. And still others think that the gods-touched are rewarded with a peaceful life of obscurity, no longer driven to obsession by their mission. Whatever the answer is, this stage persists for a very short time with long reaching effects.


Famous gods-touched include:   Mysjenn: gods-touched of Suil   Ellynar: gods-touched of Cor   Fadahn: gods-touched of Aum

Cultural Reception

In Corethe: Most Coretheans are ignorant of what the gods-touched mark means or are indifferent. This is in part due to the disappearance of the gods-touched marks from the vitalors, Corethe's rulers. When they stopped being born with the marks, they encouraged all records of the meaning of being gods-touched to be 'lost' in order to maintain their power.   In the Empire of Charkneth: Charkneth's rulers and clergy collect gods-touched under the belief that they can somehow harness the blessings of the gods. Also, they use the gods-touched to manipulate the beliefs of the conquered and prop up their legitimacy.   In Korria, a lost kingdom: In the kingdom of Korria, before they were conquered, most people thought that those born with the mark of the gods-touched brought misfortune to their families, villages, and/or the entire kingdom.

Extremely Rare


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Jan 6, 2024 07:56

Hi Caelinae Gods-Touched looks like a (super-)natural explanation for how folk in Kadagan become heroes. How do ones power's develop if one rejects the call of the Gods, e.g. instead seeking a cure?

Jan 8, 2024 01:50 by Candi Lyn Siemens

I hadn't thought of this condition being another way of saying that they've been called to be a hero. I see some folks using this power for unheroic things--if that is their nature. There is no "call of the gods", this is simply something that happens to them. In the current story I am working on, the gods-touched doesn't even believe in the gods or in magic and yet she develops powers. In another story idea that I have been developing, that person is made a gods-touched (with activated powers) against her will--as a part of a ritual. Thank you for your comment. You've given me some things to think about.