Taki-Hoshi Settlement in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Located on the north-eastern bank of the O-Mizu and partially hidden behind a nearly half-mile long waterfall stands the fishing metropolis of Taki-Hoshi. It's landmark red Torii gate sits in the shallows near the sandbar making it possible to walk right up to it when the tide is low. It's beautiful seaside location, the breathtaking sunset views and the gourmet seafood make Taki-Hoshi a popular tourist attraction.   Taki-Hoshi is half city, half fish-market and this dichotomy is easy to see in the city's architecture. Most of the structures in the city including the relatively small Daimyo estate are made of wood and shale but are beautifully decorated with shell trimming. The open-air Namazu fish market is located towards the waters edge and is built on stilts that extend out over the water and behind the waterfall. Over 60% of the seafood consumed in Kōryō is freshly caught and exported from this bustling 100 acre market.   The current Daimyo is Shukuchi Masaharu , the youngest of the current Daimyo at the ripe age of 20. Masaharu's intellect and economic sense have allowed both Taki-Hoshi and Kōryō to recover in the aftermath of the Second Great Yokai War.


Taki-Hoshi is made up of largely middle to upper class citizens. The Namazu fish market provides a plethora of opportunity for those seeking work and the many businesses are perfect for making a profit. Nobles are drawn to Taki-Hoshi for its aesthetic beauty and proximity to the seafood delicacies.


Masaharu governs over Taki-Hoshi and the surrounding villages using his keen mind to help his province flourish. Assisting him are his Cabinet comprised of his immediate family. His Cabinet includes:
  • Shukuchi Ryuichiro (Father-retired)
  • Shukuchi Mariya (Wife)
  • Shukuchi Ryoga (Elder brother)
  • Sendawara Yusuke
  • Hiroshi Natsume

Masaharu is a kind and just leader who strives to give his people the peaceful lifestyle he believes they deserve. However, his youth can sometimes work against him. He is incredibly lenient, almost naively so and his father Ryuichiro (the previous Daimyo) and his wife Mariya constantly remind him of this shortcoming.


The 47 MEN of Taki-Hoshi

Being primarily a fishing city, the samurai of Taki-Hoshi were considered to be rather weak in comparison to the other cities. In fact, the entirety of their samurai force was wiped out during the Second Great Yokai War, leaving the city vulnerable and defenseless. However, following the defeat of Setsuna the Flood Captain Himuro Raishin of Tengoku's Imperial Samurai and Sanada Yukimura took it upon themselves to train the city men should anything similar happen again. Their nightmarish training paid off and Taki-Hoshi's samurai force was back and stronger than ever. Masaharu jokes to his fellow Daimyo that his samurai are now on par with those of Miketsukami which greatly irritates Daimyo Miyamoto Suzuha.


Namazu Fish Market

This sprawling open-air fish market extends out over the water on wooden stilts and is open during all hours of the day. A constant stream of fishermen bringing in their catch ensures that buyers and sellers alike will want for nothing. Veteran divers even take requests from buyers with guarantees to have their catch within two hours. Aside from the fresh seafood, fishing equipment, vessels, and even water breathing Ofuda can be purchased from the vendors here. Several services unique to Taki-Hoshi are also offered throughout the day including:
  • Guided dive tours
  • Rent a boat scenic tours
  • Fishing/Dive fishing lessons



Taki-Hoshi is the second youngest of the Great Cities next to Hayakawa, formed after a number of smaller fishing villages decided to band together. In 352 AB Saiha officially named it and named Shukuchi Nanase its first Daimyo.  

The Rokazu Crisis

Just before the outbreak of the Second Great Yokai War in 1353 AB, Taki-Hoshi fell into the thrall of Rokazu, one of Setsuna's pet Isonade. From his lair deep beneath the O-Mizu's bottom, Rokazu tainted the water and twisted the minds of Taki-Hoshi's citizens to his whims, feeding on their energy. The city was eventually saved by the efforts of Captain Himuro Raishin, Yanagida Himura, Sanada Yukimura, Conradus Stonero, and Nozomi of the Kita-Yama Kitsune.  

Setsuna the Flood

Only half a year after the Rokazu Crisis, the reawakening of the Yonkishi plunged Taki-Hoshi back into darkness. After killing the samurai and destroying a third of it, Setsuna claimed the city for herself and had the survivors drown each other for her own enjoyment. News of this reached Abe no Seimei and a team was dispatched to defeat her. Raishin and Yukimura along with Musashibo Benkei, Vuzath Zadarath, and Ameno Yuuna infiltrated the city and set their plan in motion to liberate it. After defeating "Hitokiri" Sakakibara , they evacuated the city and waited for Setsuna to return. Setsuna greatly underestimated them, leading to her defeat at the cost of Yuuna's life.


Taki-Hoshi is most known for its location on the bank of the O-Mizu, as well as the massive waterfall that partially covers the Namazu fish market. The sparkling blue water and the serenity of the lone Torii gate in the shallows invoke a feeling of peace and tranquility upon viewing.
"The salty sea breeze fills your noses and tussles your hair. You can hear the distant thundering of the great waterfall that gave Taki-Hoshi it's name. Thousands of gallons of water cascading down into the O-Mizu with every passing second. The buildings have a fragility to them unlike anything you've ever seen. Maybe it's the shale fixtures or the glimmering shells laid into their wood. Extending out over the water on legs of wood is the sprawling Namazu fish market. Even partially covered by the waterfall as it is, the raucous voices at catcalls of the many fishermen and vendors drifts towards you on the wind."   -Before the Fall, Chapter 4: Kyotouryu
City Crest: A waterfall crashing over a Torii gate
Alternative Name(s)
Waterfall Star of Kōryō
Characters in Location
Shukuchi Masaharu cover
"I can't believe we're going to risk our lives for these people."   -Sanada Yukimura, Before the Fall, Chapter 8: Setsuna the Flood
“Did you actually think you could outrun the sea? But I’ll commend you for standing your ground. Worms don’t have backbones after all.”   -Setsuna to the Resistance Team, Before the Fall, Chapter 8: Setsuna the Flood
"Are you finally feeling fear? You're equal with me at last."   -Musashibo Benkei to Setsuna the Flood, Before the Fall, Chapter 8: Setsuna the Flood


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