Byakuroku Settlement in Kōryō | World Anvil
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The first of the Great Desert Cities. While Byakuroku and Miketsukami are considered to be the two most "militaristic" of the desert cities, Byakuroku focuses on making military advancements through technological innovation. The city is no tourist destination; the samurai and even its citizens are incredibly straight-laced and aside from the factories that produce the weapons and war machines for which Byakuroku are known, there are no notable sightseeing attractions. In fact, the city itself is quite harsh on the eyes: most of its architecture follows the same metallic, cube-like structure and because of the constant stream of smog from the factories, the city is perpetually overcast and covered in a thin layer of soot.   The current Daimyo of Byakuroku is Mikazuki Tanjiro, who prioritizes the protection of Byakuroku's technology above all else. Alongside the mysterious Blood Lotus Guild, he strives to improve their chances of future innovation. The many factories and warehouses that encompass the Blood Lotus Guild are arranged in a semi-circle around the Daimyo estate in a sprawling mess of dark metal, copper plating, and brass piping. These structures tower over the city, belching thick maroon/red fumes into the sky.  
Byakuroku cover


Aside from those directly associated with the Blood Lotus Guild, Byakuroku is made up of lower-middle class citizens who work for businesses that primarily cater to the Guild's needs. Aside from Tsutsui Tsurara, the kemuri-onna who serves Tanjiro, there are no Yokai in Byakuroku. The constant pollution from its factories have rendered the city uninhabitable for them. Outsiders in Byakuroku are referred to as "unsullied" because the smoke and smog have yet to "sully" them.


Tanjiro is stern, cunning, and at times even ruthless in the pursuit of his goals. His number one priority is to protect Byakuroku's secrets. To that end, he has poured most of Byakuroku's capital into the Blood Lotus Guild's research and even keeps the entirety of the city under constant surveillance through the use of spies and Tsurara's abilities. His cabinet includes:
  • Tsutsui Tsurara
  • Goro Masamune
  • Gaiden Homura
  • Tamura Shizuku


Byakuroku's first line of defense is the smog that blankets the city and the surrounding area. Tsurara's abilities allow her to see through the smoke, allowing her to monitor the city at all times. No one enters or exits Byakuroku without her knowledge.

The Iron Samurai

Byakuroku's samurai have access to the Lotus Guild's newest, most cutting edge technology and their military prowess reflects that power. Additionally, they have the Guild's war machines at their disposal, which are likened in rumor to be iron storms of shrieking metal, gnashing teeth, and tongues of lotus fire. Notable individuals include:
  • Current Captain: Gaiden Homura
  • Second in Command: Haizen Gin
  • Quartermaster: Tokugawa Shingen

Guilds and Factions

The Blood Lotus Guild

Byakuroku's technological innovations are fueled by the blood lotus that grows bountifully in the surrounding desert. The usefulness of the blood lotus was first discovered by alchemists, engineers, and technicians who realized that when boiled down into an oil form, the lotsu could be used to fuel their proto-machines. These engineers founded the Blood Lotus Guild and working directly beneath the Daimyo, continue to develop new machinery and weapons for Byakuroku.
The Guild's goals, missions, and numbers are shrouded in mystery. Members hardly ever venture outside the Guild walls, and on the rare occasions they do, they are easily identifiable by their crimson and gold robes, re-breather masks, and their use of the greeting "fire in the sky". Guild members are calm, quiet, and uncomfortably polite and have been noted to express interest bordering on obsession with any technology or science not yet known to them. The Guild's hierarchy, if one does exist, is unknown.
As suspicious as they may be, it cannot be denied that the Guild technicians and artificers possess tremendous arcane and technical skill. The weapons, armor, machinery, and even rudimentary automatons they have created are far beyond that of any other organized group in Kōryō. Under the guidance of Goro Masamune, some of their notable creations include:
  • Chain weaponry
  • Brass automatons
  • Atmos, Tropos, and Stratos armor
  • Lotus Purifiers Mk. 1-3
  • Lotus Purifier: Ver. Ikazuchi
  • Hiryū, Tenryū, Ryūjō, Sōryū class Dreadnoughts




Rise of the Blood Lotus Guild


The Second Great Yokai War



Of the Three Desert Cities Byakuroku is the furthest north, located just above the Sabaku. The barren sands that surround the city are good for little else besides the cultivation and harvesting of the Blood Lotus that fuels Byakuroku's economy.
"The sun is blotted out by the perpetual streams of thick red smoke being belched into the sky by the dark metal factories. The other buildings are all of uniform height and follow the same dull gray and navy color scheme. Oil lanterns hang from tall steel poles placed at even intervals along the paved streets, a stark contrast to the lilac lanterns strung above the streets in Tengoku. The only smidgen of color is the bright scarlet blood lotus of Byakuroku's crest, emblazoned on the banners that fly above. There are a few street vendors selling cheap meals for the busy passersby who rush through the streets. It seems like everyone in Byakuroku is in a hurry or has some place to be. The armor of the patrolling samurai is sleek and reflective. Gauges and gears are set into the breastplates and brass piping and other leather buckles coil and wrap around their limbs and every few minutes exhaust ports set into the metal whir and emit steam. Their helmets are completely smooth and close faced, made from the same mirror-like material as the armor. A single glowing turquoise "eye-socket" is set in the center of the helmets. You can hear faint whirring noises with each movement the samurai make."   -Before the Fall, Chapter 16: Onslaught of the Apostles
City Crest: A blood lotus  
Alternative Name(s)
The Iron City
Mikazuki Tanjiro cover
"I wonder how your comrades and your subordinates can so easily accept your mantle of leadership when it has been sewn so thoroughly from sin."   -Mikazuki Tanjiro to Sanada Yukimura, Before the Fall, Chapter 16: Onslaught of the Apostles


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