Knights of Peronus Organization in Jushara | World Anvil
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Knights of Peronus

A militant religious order dedicated to the Service of Peronus, god of nomads and migration. The order includes a large number of shaman and isolated members of the order, often living with and guiding remote nomadic groups and tribes. The Knights are led by Knight Major Eralath One Wing, and their headquarters are   Most Knights are dedicated to the destruction of those that attack and interdict travelers, nomads, and pilgrims. This means hunting and destroying bandits, pirates and other brigands is often a primary objective of the order.   Notably, a sub order of the Knights, the Skynights, ride giant geese.


Direct militant chain of command.

That the creatures of the earth, the sea, and the sky may flow freely across the world.

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Controlled Territories


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