Aegis, the Defender Character in Jushara | World Anvil
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Aegis, the Defender

The Defender, The Last Bulwark, The Final Shield Aegis

Aegis, often titled "The Defender", "The Bulwark" "Protector" and other colloquial titles, was a Deity of Protection, Fortitude, Sacrifice.   Aegis has no clear cultural or geographic origins, and is likely a meta-theological amalgamation of several different deities of protection and sanctuary who, through faith magic, transcended into their present existence as a "Minor" deity.

Divine Domains

Protection, Defense, Sacrifice

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Beveled shield, with a 8 pointed starburst mostly concealed behind it.

Personality Characteristics


In keeping with their Divine domain, Aegis is a defender, a protector and a provider.   As a deity, their greatest focus is protecting the mortal realms from exterior threats, but they have a well documented track record of aiding champions and paragons, especially if the would be champion exhibits the will to sacrifice everything in the defense of what they love.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Lawful Good


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